Tiles panel.


Municipal Library.

08 Sep 2018 9 5 272
At Amílcar Cabral Avenue, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Sail boat for the festivities of Saint John the Ba…

10 Sep 2018 4 2 153
Similar to another displayed in the Sea Museum (already published a week ago), this boat is to be worn and carried, by pulling up to the shoulders those belts in the middle. Several boats of these can be seen defiling on the streets during St. John festivities. This one is displayed inside Mindelo Cultural Centre (former Customs), at Amílcar Cabral Avenue, in São Vicente Island's capital, Cape Verde.

Painting and a bit more than that.

10 Sep 2018 9 2 152
This piece of art was titled as "Music" and displayed in a room where a young adolescent was practicing classic music on a grand piano. This can be seen inside Mindelo Cultural Centre, at Amílcar Cabral Avenue, São Vicente Island's capital, Cape Verde.

Wire rhino.

10 Sep 2018 7 2 165
Hanging from the ceiling at Mindelo Cultural Centre (former Customs), at Amílcar Cabral Avenue, São Vicente Island's capital, Cape Verde.

Statue of the water seller.

10 Sep 2018 10 5 211
This statue represents a women that used to store water from the fountain in canisters to sell across the town, at a time when most homes had no piped water. It can be seen at Baltazar Lopes da Silva Square, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Municipal Market.

09 Sep 2018 5 1 188
At Libertadores de África Street (former Lisbon Street), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Sculpture in chains.

09 Sep 2018 7 3 226
Outside souvenirs shop at Libertadores de África Street (former Lisbon Street), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Alliance Française building.

08 Sep 2018 15 14 204
At Libertadores de África Street (former Lisbon Street), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde. It has a nice terrace to have a drink - La Pergola. Turning on the left corner, it's only 20 to 30 metres far.

Laginha Beach.

08 Sep 2018 8 5 227
The best urban beach of Mindelo - São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Chess board.

10 Sep 2018 2 2 149
Displayed in the National Centre of Art and Design, at Amílcar Cabral Square (former New Square), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Spinning wheel (1870's).

10 Sep 2018 7 1 159
Displayed in the National Centre of Art and Design, at Amílcar Cabral Square (former New Square), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Wire animals.

10 Sep 2018 11 3 189
Displayed in open air yard of the National Centre of Art and Design, at Amílcar Cabral Square (former New Square), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Wooden model of Volvo truck.

10 Sep 2018 11 4 182
Achieved and displayed in the National Centre of Art and Design, at Amílcar Cabral Square (former New Square), Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

City Hall.

09 Sep 2018 3 1 206
At Municipal Little Square, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Waiting for human company (before the pandemic).

09 Sep 2018 9 6 228
Friendly with strangers, this cat found a place to rest on a quadruple bench without occupying any of the seats. Photo taken at Municipal Little Square, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Mother Church of Our Lady of Light.

09 Sep 2018 8 3 255
At Municipal Little Square, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Simca 1100 (late 1960's or early 1970's).

10 Sep 2018 7 4 325
Spotted at Coco Street, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

Nazarene Church.

09 Sep 2018 14 11 270
At Luís Terry Street, Mindelo, São Vicente Island, Cape Verde.

78 items in total