Portalegre Cathedral.


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27 Aug 2019

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Façade of Pharmacy Romba.

At Guilherme Gomes Fernandes Street, Portalegre.

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27 Aug 2019

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Tiles panel.

On wall of January 31st Street, at Portalegre.It shows a herd of cows on the countryside of Benavila, a civil parish of Avis.

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27 Aug 2019

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Tiles panel.

On wall at Carmo Street, Portalegre. It shows the thrashing in Vale de Barqueiros estate, at the civil parish of Seda, in 1988, in the council of Alter do Chão.

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27 Aug 2019

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Donjon of Portalegre Castle (13th century).

This is one of the few remaining parts of Portalegre Castle, along with wall sections with door ways. In the 19th century degradation prevailed and there wasn't much left when it was decided to reverse the situation.

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27 Aug 2019

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City Hall of Portalegre.

This old building, on Guilherme Gomes Fernandes Street, was at the start the College of Saint Sebastian. In the 19th century the Portalegre Wool Factory was installed there, until it was moved to the present location, the same of the Tapestries Museum. Then this building was adapted for the municipal purposes of a City Hall.
23 items in total