Fountain on roundabout.


Fountain on roundabout.

09 Dec 2016 2 1 212
At Via 4 Novembre, Herculaneum.

Entrance to the archaeological site.

09 Dec 2016 8 2 311
At Corso Resina, Herculaneum.

Herculaneum archaelogical site.

09 Dec 2016 5 1 190
Devastated by the eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79, Herculaneum has brought to daylight the ruins that were submerged in ashes for centuries. In 1997 it was inscribed in UNESCO heritage.

House of Aristides.

09 Dec 2016 4 2 156
At Via dei Papiri Ercolanensi, Herculaneum.

Mosaic lararium.

09 Dec 2016 5 3 175
As part of the House of the Skeleton - thus named after the discover in 1831 of the first skeleton of a victim of Vesuvius' eruption in 79. The house is located at Via dei Papiri Ercolanensi, Herculaneum.

Rear wall of the nymphaeum.

09 Dec 2016 7 6 191
With inlaid limestone, inside the House of the Skeleton, at Via dei Papiri Ercolanensi, Herculaneum.


09 Dec 2016 5 1 219
Public place where cold and hot drinks could be consumed (sort of bar or tavern). This one was spotted at Cardo III, Herculaneum.

Men's urban baths.

09 Dec 2016 3 1 164
At Via dei Papiri Ercolanensi, Herculaneum.

Sign on the House of Augustus' priests.

09 Dec 2016 3 2 258
At Cardo III, in the archaelogical site of Herculaneum.

Frescoes in the Augusteum.

09 Dec 2016 8 4 416
The Augusteum was a place of cult to the Roman emperor. It stands at upper Cardo III, Herculaneum.

Frescoes in the Augusteum.

09 Dec 2016 5 2 214
The Augusteum was a place of cult to the Roman emperor. It stands at upper Cardo III, Herculaneum.

Carved stone details.

09 Dec 2016 4 2 175
On the ceiling of the Arch of Decumanus Maximus, at Herculaneum.

House of the Tuscanian Columns.

09 Dec 2016 4 1 187
Some frescoes in inner room, at upper Cardo III, Herculaneum.

House of the Tuscanian Columns.

09 Dec 2016 4 1 175
Remains of frescoes in this house, located at upper Cardo III, Herculaneum.

House of the Black Hall.

09 Dec 2016 2 1 149
Located at upper Cardo IV, Herculaneum.

House of the Black Hall.

09 Dec 2016 3 1 124
Remains of wall decorative painting. This house is located at upper Cardo IV, Herculaneum.

House of the Black Hall.

09 Dec 2016 4 2 138
Remains of indoor wall painting of this house, located at upper Cardo IV, Herculaneum.

House of the Black Hall.

09 Dec 2016 8 4 203
Look through into an area that used to be indoors until Vesuvius' eruption. This house is located at upper Cardo IV, Herculaneum.

49 items in total