Puchinpappy's photos

Empty Table

16 Jul 2020 12 15 174
Saturday Self-challenge: Take a picture in which something is obviously missing. So it is a picture of a certain thing that is not pictured. It must be obvious that something is missing. Sight and Sound: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserable. www.youtube.com/watch?v=POvsvbc1yC8 Francais: www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SGKFuOP1NQ German: www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOP_sPpi3ps Dutch: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPJJId8gSnU

Territorial Disagreement at a Free Buffet

16 Jul 2020 11 6 186
These two Pine Siskins were fluttering for position at the free buffet at the window feeder. In the past few days we have been inundated with dozens of these birds at a time. All the feeders are full of these birds.

Inching Along

11 Jul 2020 13 7 173
This little Caterpillar was about an inch long fully extended. In time, it will fly away.

Hollyhocks Petals

09 Jul 2020 29 15 171
Macro Mondays: Petals


09 Jul 2020 17 13 172
Saturday Self-challenge: Flowers in B&W

Tight Maneuver - Cedar Waxwing

03 Jul 2020 7 5 171
A Cedar Waxwing making a tight maneuver between an alive and a dead Swedish Aspen.

Cedar Waxwing Undercarriage

03 Jul 2020 11 5 134
While a Cedar Waxwing pushes off we get to see its undercarriage.

Periscope Up!

03 Jul 2020 4 2 136
This Cedar Waxwing is guarding its nest in our backyard. The tree is a Japanese Maple.

Old Hose Repair

03 Jul 2020 13 8 128
Macro Monday: Something made of rubber. This is an old rubber hose. It is so old that all the hoses made at that time looked the same. You could have it in any colour so long as it was black. This one was cut and spliced together. It harkens back to a time when things were not so expendable.

Siskin 10.0

04 Jul 2020 18 18 174
High diving Pine Siskin performs a perfect landing in the birdbath. Saturday Self-challenge: Collage story.

Short Flights from Blossom to Blossom


25 Jun 2020 18 15 136
Saturday Self Challenge: from the garden

Insect in Turquoise

Comfortably Reading the Newspaper

20 Jun 2020 15 15 133
Saturday Self-challenge: Memento Being that it is Father's Day weekend here in North America I found this little treasure to share this week. I got this for Father's day one year as I would spend a lot of time perusing the newspaper in the bathroom. I found out that I was not the only person who did that. I still do, but now it is using the tablet and checking out news, twitter, etc.

Black Ribbon

15 Jun 2020 20 8 154
Macro Monday: Tied I found this black ribbon in a junk drawer and played around with it until I settled on this finished product.

Getting Ready to Explode

1595 items in total