Graciel·la Vidal's photos



28 Dec 2016 21 12 775
We are in a critical situation ,Nonetheless, there is a glimmer of hope. Thanks to smart people who care, who are organized, who propose... Thanks.

Bon Nadal

15 Dec 2016 10 6 701
Merry Christmas Joyeux Noël

Mercat Medieval -VIC (1) Ferrers

05 Dec 2016 14 13 637
Medieval Market - Vic (1) blacksmith Every year aproximately between December 3rd and 6th downtown of Vic turns into a medieval market. This Medieval Market provide visitors with the opportunity to see traditional arts and crafts and traditional cooking can be savoured by all. Music, dancing and street performances fill these days the streets of the downtown and definitively contribute to lead the visitor to the past. Apart from their artistic value, these activities create the right atmosphere to imagine how the citizens of those times used to celebrate the market days.

Joyeux Noël, Léopold

09 Dec 2016 9 6 533
Pour mon ami Léopold.

Sant Miquel i el Dimoni

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Sant Miquel matant el dimoni, de Francisque J. Duret. 1860. Font de Sant Miquel. Paris xxxxxx Saint Michael and the devil by Francisque J.Duret. 1860. Saint Michael fountain. Paris xxxxxx Saint Michel terrassant le démon, oeuvre de Francisque J. Duret. 1860. Fontaine Saint Michel. Paris ooooooooooo Dedicada a Jordi Bort i a la seva xerrada amb El Pare.

Far de La Mola (Formentera)

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"La Mola" Lighthouse. The Formentera island's highest lighthouse, it was built on a 120-metre-high cliff. Many people consider "La Mola" lighthouse a magical place, and it is described as such by the famous writer Jules Verne in some of his works. He used the lighthouse as the setting for a brief episode in his novel "Hector Servadac", and surely also inspired his novel "The lighthouse of the end of the world."


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Taken in "Can Framis" museum. (Fundació Vila Casas) Barcelona.

Tots Sants -> Panellets

01 Nov 2016 15 12 739
All Saints' Day. --> "Panellets" November 1st, "Panellets" is a Catalan traditional dessert. Panellets are often accompanied with a sweet wine,

Silenty in Space by Liechennay

--/--/---- 9 9 485
Detail Staynless steel sculptures by Liechennay in Barcelona

Lluna i Far

Coloms i Poeta

08 Oct 2016 12 7 426
Pigeons and Poet Statue of Dubrovnik poet Ivan Gundulić, a work of sculptor Rendić from 1893. -- Escultura de poeta barroc Ian Gundulić. Obra del 1893 d'Ivan Rendić

Puntes de coixí

01 Oct 2016 12 6 467
- Si esteu interessats trobareu una mica d'informació en aquest article. - If you are interested there are some information in this article(English)

Discurs (Speech)

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Quan no es té res per dir el millor és callar. I així ho he fet, durant un temps Ara, tampoc no és que tingui massa cosa a “dir”, però ... igual alguna cosa sí, qui sap ! - When there is nothing to say, is better to keep quiet. And for a few months that's what I've done. Actually, I don't have too much to say, or perhaps I do, who knows!

El Drac de Can Balaciart

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If you are interesed you can read some information concerning this place and its author in this Ipernity article (english) - Si us interessa trobareu una mica d'informació del lloc i l'autor d'aquest drac en aquest article d'Ipernity. -

Alba, de Georg Kolbe. Pavelló Mies van der Rohe. B…

--/--/---- 10 9 1229
- - - If you are interested you can read some pavilon information in this Ipernity article (English) Si us interesa podeu llegir una breu informació del pavelló en aquest article d'Ipernity.

Pavelló Mies van der Rohe. Barcelona #1

--/--/---- 10 8 746
You can read some information in this Ipernity article (English) Si us interesa podeu llegir una breu informació en aquest article d'Ipernity. -- --

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