Bernhard Sonderhuesken's photos


30 Jun 2009 12 4 353
The Lugano with two tugboats

Seven Sisters

26 Feb 2019 12 9 215
HFF everyone.

Gluecksburg castle

St David's Cathedral

Metz cathedral

Eastbourne Pier

Seven Sisters

26 Feb 2019 23 9 286
and coastguard cottages seen from Seaford Head

Beachy Head Lighthouse

Steinwerder Hafen

11 Nov 2018 7 2 276
Leopold Staff, Multipurpose cargo ship

Phare de Men Ruz

Before Sunrise

19 Oct 2018 7 3 260
River Weser with ferry and Weserstadion (Werder Bremen) just before sunrise.

Île de Brehat

06 Sep 2018 5 3 297
Vue sur lÎle de Brehat

Plage Grève Blanche

Phare de Men Ruz

La Plage

02 Sep 2018 16 9 361
Pors Termen, Trébeurden

Le menhir de Saint Uzec

09 Sep 2018 6 5 243
Created betwen four and five thousand years B.C. A little over 7,5 meters high. It‘s christianisation dates back to the 17th century. On the southern side the Arma Christi have been sculptured. All the instruments of the Passion which are represented are mentioned in the golspels, with the sole exception of Veronica’s veil. At the top, on both left and right, the images of the sun and the moon. At the bottom a skull can be seen, which could be that of Adam. On the northern face, two vertical grooves, the result of erosion, could easily resemble a woman in mounrning cape. The cross which surmounts the top of the standing stone was added at the moment of christianisation. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the sculptures were coloured and underneath a christ was painted on the cross, today obliterated by the weather.

578 items in total