kulturnik's photos

Grote Kerk, Haarlem, interior 3

Grote Kerk, Haarlem, interior 1

Delft, Grote Markt with Town Hall

Grote Kerk, Haarlem

Hoofdwacht. Haarlem

"Scheve Jan" ("Skewed John") steeple of Pude Kerk,…

Delftware painting, detail

Delftware painting

Reject Amor Delft tile, Gevangenpoort, The Hague

Putto mooning the coat of arms of William the Sile…

12 Jul 2023 47
Nieuwe Kerk Delft

Delft, Grote Markt wityh Nieuwe Kerk

Ducky Delft

Delft with Nieuwe Kerk steeple

Oude Kerk steeple, Delft

Coat of arms of Holland, Gevangenpoort, The Hague

Reject Delft tiles, Gevangenpoort, The Hague

12 Jul 2023 47
The torture chamber of the Gevangenpoort prison in The Hague is tiled with misfired and otherwise rejected Delft tiles. Apart from the obvious advantage that tiled walls are easy to clean from torture by-products, I suppose the reject tiles could also have contributed to aesthetic torture. ;-)

Mauritshuis and Binnenhof, The Hague

Yes, it is *that* girl with *that* earring

12 Jul 2023 28
Mauritshuis, The Hague

3804 photos in total