extracto en el metrobus

en lo que tiro mi dinero

the life and adventures of Randy Random

23 May 2013

109 visits

Lithuanian girl

scanning some old negatives!

16 Apr 2013

75 visits

Any given day

05 Feb 2013

122 visits


fresh, just exposed fp100c fixed in kodak rapid fixer. I will try to do it again but now after cleaning the goop.

25 Mar 2013

107 visits


Many years a go I bought the chromateck filters 80 serie, so I had to shoot with them, i took some slide and had fun....ohhh the good old days when you said free pictures and people actually were excited.

16 Feb 2013

87 visits


18 Jan 2013

82 visits


10 Nov 2012

89 visits

Cebollón el maligno

el gato más chiro liro del mundo mundial

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04 Dec 2012

83 visits

chinese lantern

Minicopy HR-II with Rodinal 1:200 two hours stand development, this thing is awesome really I scaned this at 9600 dpis and it didnt showed anygrain. Besides that, I had amazing chowmein with los Chinos de Revolución.

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21 Oct 2012

135 visits

queso cotija

Queso Añejo is a Mexican delicacy based in the parmigiano-reggiano (parmesan) cheese recipe that the franciscan monks brought to the New Spain. This one is the finest Cotija tajo class, named after the town of Cotija, Michoacan. It is a little bit more salty and fattier than the Italian counterpart. This is the real mccoy, and the only cheese for tacos that is placed grated on top of sliced lettuce, green salsa, and cream. Not that someone was interested but i LOVE it.
24 items in total