


08 Feb 2014 1 1 261
I have seven grandsons, Andrew is very special as he is severely challenged by autism. He loves me but cannot say it.

Andrew #2

07 Oct 2013 209
I have seven grandsons, Andrew is very special as he is severely challenged by autism. A more recent photo

Triplets with big brother

13 May 2010 2 382
Triplets, 2 boys and girl. From a session I did with this family a couple of years ago. Anyone out there tried working with triplets. Tomorrow I will show you what can happen.

Triplets with big brother #2

11 Feb 2014 3 241
This is what can happen in a second with triplets. A shot that everyone loves.

my Sunday ride

19 Feb 2011 2 3 177
every Sunday for more than 20 years

First communion 1946

17 Oct 2012 2 2 255
Must have been taken by my Mum with a Kodak folding or similar. I dont remember of course and Mum is no longer here to ask. I also do not remember who my friend is but she is lovely. Location Lee St., North Carlton, Melbourne Australia. Scanned from small B&W print.