Via porta di basso.



Soph ombre et lumière.

Le poids des ans.

Ultramoderne solitude....

29 Nov 2013 18 8 1126 It 's goin 'Boulevard Haussman at five She felt a tear coming from his heart From the backhand she clears it Sometimes we do not know well what"s goin on Why these rivers Suddenly on the cheeks flowing In the anthill This is Ultra Modern Loneliness It goin to Manhattan in a heart He feels up a wave from the depths However I have friends without bye-bye Love, sun, work Why ... It goin 'anywhere in the world every second Faces all of a sudden are flooding A backhand she clears Sometimes we do not know well what's goin on We have panoplies sheds Tempos harmony guitars We dance entire summer sun But music is wet, such

S..... Caresse du Soleil.

Les anciens et les modernes.

Pluie et vent.

Promenade (suite).

106 items in total