Mining 001

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #45

Leviathan, Candelaria, Cloverdale, Grantsville, and Elsworth Ghost Towns and Mining Camps, June 2017.

Mining 001

11 Jun 2017 71
Took SR 89 east and attempted to cross into Nevada via Leviathan Canyon.

Mining 002

11 Jun 2017 71
Old tarpaper worker shacks at the Leviathan Mine.

Mining 003

Mining 004

Mining 005

11 Jun 2017 78
The imprint of the modern Leviathan Mine. This thing is huge!

Mining 006

11 Jun 2017 69
It was way to cold, about 45 in the day, at this elevation to want to camp, so I retreated towards Smith, NV for some lower elevations.

Mining 007

11 Jun 2017 76
Tried to cross over to Pine Grove from Smith on seemingly endless bad roads, almost set up camp in the now 60 degree temp, but strong winds and rainclouds pushed me on to Yearington for a hotel.

Mining 008

12 Jun 2017 72
Worse weather next day, now raining. Heading SE to try and escape it. Here is Kinkaid, NV along Hwy 95.

Mining 009

12 Jun 2017 58
Luning, NV along Hwy 95.

Mining 010

12 Jun 2017 78
Mina, NV along Hwy 95.

Mining 011

Mining 012

12 Jun 2017 89
Now at Candelaria, NV. We've been here before, but I've learned there may be more ruins uphill from what you see here from the road.

Mining 013

12 Jun 2017 68
View up the hill from the main ruins.

Mining 014

12 Jun 2017 71
And it's true... here's an old dwelling farther up the hill.

Mining 015

12 Jun 2017 70
Looks like it's roofed with fuel cans.

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Mining 017

Mining 018

12 Jun 2017 72
Also found the cemetery this time.

116 items in total