Desolation 01

Desolation Wilderness Backpack

14 miles with 3,000' elevation gain. Emerald Bay trailhead to Dicks Peak (almost), August 2-4 2013.

02 Aug 2013

68 visits

Desolation 01

Travis, Nate, Scott, Dom and myself heading up out of Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe. Just a few days earlier the Aspen fire ruined my Boundary Peak hike, but the Rim fire hadn't started yet so we got lucky here with perfect clear weather.

02 Aug 2013

69 visits

Desolation 02

Rising up to Granite Lake, about 7,400'.

02 Aug 2013

93 visits

Desolation 03

Looking down on Granite Lake and the diminishing Emerald Bay.

02 Aug 2013

45 visits

Desolation 04

Up on the first crest looking in to the Desolation.

02 Aug 2013

42 visits

Desolation 05

02 Aug 2013

62 visits

Desolation 06

Eagle Lake below.

02 Aug 2013

51 visits

Desolation 07

02 Aug 2013

65 visits

Desolation 08

02 Aug 2013

81 visits

Desolation 09

38 items in total