Boundary 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #35

Boundary Peak flop, Buena Vista, Panum Crater, July 2013.

Boundary 01

29 Jul 2013 52
Arrived Owens Valley at Tioga Pass to find Mono County filled with smoke from the Aspen fire. This was not good for a planned 4,200 ft ascent hike!

Boundary 02

29 Jul 2013 59
Camped at Sagehen Pass on hwy 120 for some elevation acclimation and hope for the best.

Boundary 03

Boundary 04

29 Jul 2013 44
A little shot for luck.

Boundary 05

30 Jul 2013 48
Still very smokey the next day dropping into Adobe Valley and Benton Hot Springs.

Boundary 06

Boundary 07

30 Jul 2013 57
Here's my goal Boundary Peak and you can barely even see it. I'm screwed.

Boundary 08

30 Jul 2013 53
Wild horses hanging around at Trail Canyon on the Nevada trailhead side.

Boundary 09

30 Jul 2013 58
Cute colt hops into view.

Boundary 10

30 Jul 2013 63
The air is clearer on the Nevada side so I scope out the beginning of the hike with hopes I can do it tomorrow.

Boundary 11

30 Jul 2013 61
A few miles up a riparian swath.

Boundary 12

30 Jul 2013 65
The peak (left) comes into view.

Boundary 13

Boundary 14

30 Jul 2013 65
Here the trail takes a different route than I thought, adding to the smoke issue. I thought it would climb the right ridge, but it goes up this draw for the saddle in between.

Boundary 15

30 Jul 2013 45
Looking back down the canyon where it turns up this direct route.

Boundary 16

30 Jul 2013 51
The air looks clearer, but I can see the particles in the sunbeams and I'm getting a hack cough. This direct route goes about 1400 ft straight up skree to the saddle, then another 1000 to the peak. I decide I'm stupid for even thinking about it with this fire going.

Boundary 18

30 Jul 2013 44
Back down, the horse family greets me again.

Boundary 19

99 items in total