Coachella 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #25a

Coachella Valley Desert Touresty Stuff, April 2011

Coachella 01

11 Apr 2011 108
Took another relaxing camping-free all hotels trip beginning at Grapevine, CA, then east on I-10 into Coachella Valley.

Coachella 02

11 Apr 2011 1 1 141
You may remember these roadside dinosaurs from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure (1984).

Coachella 03

11 Apr 2011 49
In the film they were alone on the desert hardpan, now there is a little park built up around them.

Coachella 04

11 Apr 2011 66
Inside the bronto's belly.

Coachella 05

11 Apr 2011 109
Why is this sign asking me if evolution is true? Hmm.

Coachella 06

11 Apr 2011 84
Current owners have added a carny-like tourist trap in the back. There are more dinos behind the fences that you can pay to look at.

Coachella 07

11 Apr 2011 85
Here are the animatronics, that move about to the pirated audio of Godzilla yelling. They startle children under 3, and cause all others to laugh or have no reaction whatsoever.

Coachella 08

11 Apr 2011 89
Wait, a lion and lamb with the non-animatronic dinos? What gives?

Coachella 09

11 Apr 2011 79
Aha, our friends the creationists are running the park. That's cool, we're here for the tackyness, so this only enhances the experience.

Coachella 10

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Coachella 16

Coachella 17

11 Apr 2011 83
The back door to the T Rex is now behind the pay line inside the fence.

Coachella 18

11 Apr 2011 96
Pee-Wee went in here for his date with a waitress.

70 items in total