West Central NV 01

Desert / Ghost Town Trek #24a

West Central Nevada Ghost Towns, August 2010

West Central NV 01

30 Aug 2010 70
Started our adventure near Bridgeport Reservoir (Hwy 395 to SR 182) then east on FS Route 062 a few miles, passing the ghost town site of Masonic, CA that we explored in 2004.

West Central NV 02

30 Aug 2010 55
Climbing farther over Masonic mountain, looking back on Bridgeport valley. The plan was to spend five days driving southeast along the Nevada border on dirt roads only, getting supplies at the occasional highway crossing.

West Central NV 03

30 Aug 2010 39
Pulling into the upper part of the Masonic area, which consists of three main mining camps.

West Central NV 04

West Central NV 05

West Central NV 06

West Central NV 07

West Central NV 08

West Central NV 09

West Central NV 10

30 Aug 2010 53
Mine headstocks scattered around up on the hills.

West Central NV 11

31 Aug 2010 49
Found a nice camp spot on a dead end road.

West Central NV 12

31 Aug 2010 46
Morning view from a big scrub meadow near camp.

West Central NV 13

31 Aug 2010 75
Continued north into Nevada on FS 046. Looking west to the Sweetwater mountains.

West Central NV 14

31 Aug 2010 36
Dropping into Nevada with the Pine Grove Mountains on the horizon.

West Central NV 15

31 Aug 2010 2 61
Arrived at Sweetwater road which paralells the East Walker River and its lush riparian zone.

West Central NV 16

31 Aug 2010 49
Travelled west a bit to look for the Sonoma ghost town site but nothing remained.

West Central NV 17

West Central NV 18

31 Aug 2010 45
Travelled east past the Elbow here with a rare view of the river itself.

66 items in total