Saline Valley 01

Ghost Town / Desert Trek #18d

Saline Valley, April 2009

Saline Valley 01

23 Apr 2009 43
Day six, departed Box Car Cabin and passed through Lee Flat, one of the largest Joshua forests in the state. We hadn't provisioned since day three at Beatty, so detoured to Panamint Springs for gas, ice and beer. They didn't stock the latter, so we had to go all the way to Trona for that essential.

Saline Valley 02

23 Apr 2009 60
Retraced back up Hunter Mountain Road to Saline Valley Road.

Saline Valley 03

23 Apr 2009 72
Finally dropping down into Saline Valley, the last leg of our trip.

Saline Valley 04

Saline Valley 05

Saline Valley 06

Saline Valley 07

23 Apr 2009 56
Saline Valley Road is about 50 miles of rocky washboard road end to end, with a handfull of residents in the middle and no stores or businesses of any kind. Having a flat tire on day two of this trip made me nervous and I took it slow.

Saline Valley 08

23 Apr 2009 61
The high peak in the distant range on the right is Ubehebe Peak, which puts Racetrack Valley, from a few days ago, on the other side of it.

Saline Valley 09

23 Apr 2009 56
Salt Lake in the middle of the valley.

Saline Valley 10

23 Apr 2009 62
Old salt mining trams.

Saline Valley 11

23 Apr 2009 68
Oasis area where there are a few scattered residents.

Saline Valley 12

23 Apr 2009 69
Looking west to Big Silver Mine and some of the big peaks in the Inyo Mountains.

Saline Valley 13

23 Apr 2009 50
Saline Valley Marsh, a protected area.

Saline Valley 14

23 Apr 2009 63
Old Borax Works site.

Saline Valley 15

23 Apr 2009 56
Hunter Canyon.

Saline Valley 16

23 Apr 2009 74
East off Saline Valley Road is Bat Rock Road, the entrance of which is unmarked has unerrvingly deep sand shortly in. I found a different cutoff farther north I was more comfortable with. They both lead you to this sign, which guides you to the hot springs.

Saline Valley 17

Saline Valley 18

23 Apr 2009 54
Looking back west across the huge wash we traversed, with the Saline Dunes in the distance.

53 items in total