desert fortress


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24 Feb 2008

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1 060 visits

desert fortress

think we can hold 'em here, general? by god, we better, son. or the human race is cooked. this is the last stand. nothing else is left. that's kind of depressing. nice view, though, isn't it? and it's a beautiful day. ok, don't go overboard on me. no sir.

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25 Jul 2008

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721 visits


what's the estimate time of arrival? 3 minutes, my lord. have the troops fan out immediately. yes, sire. we'll dig in and coordinate our earth invasion from here. excellent, o wise one. now bring me a mandible sharpener. of course. good hunting on this planet.

14 Jul 2014

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1 065 visits

underground resistance

the political cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. got it. psst. the cell meeting is tonight. pass it on. ok. hey, the shell greeting is on tv tonight. pass it on. right. yo. the meal seating is later, you coming? for sure. who's bringing the beer?

20 Jan 2014

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1 463 visits


boss, I found a great hideout. yeah? what's so great about it? it'll never attract any attention, I promise. ok, cause you know how much I hate standing out in a crowd. yeah boss, I know. and I hate red. you know that, right? oh. yeah. gee, I forgot about that. say boss, I just remembered something. yeah? yeah. about the new hideout. I'll get back to you. ok, but don't take too long. yeah boss. say, do we have any, you know, green paint around here?

08 Mar 2003

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930 visits

viva zapata

how many men do we have? only 20, sir. that'll have to do. let's go. we're up against tanks, sir. that's right. and they're going to burn. grab the cans. got it sir. and don't forget: no smoking.

25 Jan 2009

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686 visits

escaped foreclosure

are there any liens or encumbrances on this property? well, if there ever were, they were paid off, oh, about 800 years ago. yeah? so how much equity is there in it now? dunno, but it needs a little work.

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20 Aug 2003

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926 visits

law west of the pecos

you're new in town, ain't ya stranger. yessir, marshal. I just rode in. I see you're wearing a pistol on your belt. that is true. I never go anywhere without it. well, the thing is, we don't allow no guns in this town. that a fact? so I'll have to ask you to hand it over. slow-like. but I gotta big shoot-out scene in this movie. is that so? who with? why, with you marshall, I guess. just one more reason to take your gun then. I don't think the director's gonna like that. is he wearing a badge? no, I expect not. well then, that don't mean spit, do it. I like riding around on my big horsey. you are one tough hombre, aintcha. I surely am. and I look good on camera too. I don't doubt it for a second. whoa there, horsey. take it easy. this movie'll be a real firecracker. I can see that.

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21 Jan 2014

8 favorites


404 visits


here's a cute little place I'm sure you will like you think I would live here? it has a certain, you know, charm. and we've dropped the price considerably I can't imagine why it's somewhat of a fixer-upper, but in great condition oh, that's obvious would you like to leave a deposit? oh no. I suspect that there are many deposits in there already

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14 Feb 2014

5 favorites


558 visits


why are the rocks white at the bottom? can't you see? the water level's dropped. it's way down. maybe they just painted them. that's right. they painted all that rock. the water level has nothing to do with it. yeah. must have taken a lot of paint, too. yep. a whole lot. yep.
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