situational awareness


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09 Feb 2014

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754 visits

situational awareness

dude, did you bring your skateboard? er, no. I didn't. why not? we agreed to board everywhere we go! let me put it to you this way. you have to develop a bit of situational awareness. know what I mean? uh, no. I mean you have to be somewhat aware of your surroundings. and the fact is, you can't board on these rocks. you see? I can't? bummer man. yeah, it's tough.

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14 Feb 2014

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555 visits


why are the rocks white at the bottom? can't you see? the water level's dropped. it's way down. maybe they just painted them. that's right. they painted all that rock. the water level has nothing to do with it. yeah. must have taken a lot of paint, too. yep. a whole lot. yep.

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11 Feb 2014

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508 visits

star chamber

why the long face? I got called to appear before the chamber. man. that's tough. you're as good as convicted. I didn't do it! I'm innocent! yeah, maybe. but you did something, sometime, didn't you. yeah. so? see you in 20 years. really? yeah. mind if I take your car? mine kinda quit on me. times are tough, eh? tell me about it.

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09 Feb 2014

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531 visits

freedom 101

where you headed? west. you going that way? you always hitchhike to get where you're going? I like the freedom. do you? freedom isn't free, you know. you don't say? you want money for this ride? no, I don't. then may I ask, what's your point? beats me.

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09 Feb 2014

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726 visits

rock my world

watch the office for me, archangel. I'm taking off for a couple of weeks. where to, lord? I'm meeting some of the guys over on arcturus. play a little golf. get in some sightseeing. you know. who'll be there? oh, the usual bunch: zeus, odin, shiva, a few others. none of them can beat me at my short game. no goddesses? well, heh heh, you never know. and I ain't saying. you are so discreet, lord. hey, I invented discreet, don't forget. and most everything else, too. you betcha.

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10 Feb 2014

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684 visits

get over it

I'm only gonna tell you this once. you will never, ever do that again. you understand? really? never? are you sure? I've never been more sure of anything in my life you don't want me to do that, like, ever? not even a little bit? only if I say it's ok how about now? what do you mean? I mean, now now? uh-huh well, ok ok

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09 Feb 2014

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402 visits

dance for me

this is the place. the place? for what? it's a desert. we'll hold the rave here. set up the turntables. I wanna hear the sound bounce off those mountains. turntables? you need power! where am I gonna plug them in? hell, there's gotta be a plug here somewhere. go find it. I can feel the rhythm now! gonna need a really long extension cord. I don't care, make it happen! we gonna rock out tonight!

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09 Feb 2014

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678 visits

radio active

the tower is just around the end of the canyon. this is so exciting! I can hardly believe it! yeah. we get to be the first eyewitnesses to an atomic bomb. cool, huh? we are so lucky. democracy's sure got it all over them russkies, don't it. let's get closer. yeah, why not. the scientists know what they're doing. what can go wrong? totally.

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09 Feb 2014

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1 111 visits

stranger in a strange land

pardon me, sir, but what is this place? why, this is the west. the west? the west of what? it's the great American west. are you lost? the American west? in what quadrant is that? quadrant? I don't rightly know wait a minute. isn't this Altair-4? Altair. . . what did you say? this is the Andromeda system, isn't it? Andromeda? where on god's green earth is that? Earth? are you shitting me? I'm on. . . Earth? well, yes. great. I'm on fucking Earth. just great! whoa, take it easy there buster. actually, we like it here. of course you do. we designed it for cretins. pardon me? I knew that asteroid belt would throw me off! I should have never over-ridden the ion drive! shit! I don't know nothing about no asteroids or ion drives, but how about a nice cup of coffee? fine, whatever. the Council will have my 2nd head for this. hell, maybe all 3 of them. you, uh, take it with cream? no, hot and black. just like my woman. funny. where'd you hear that one? we've been monitoring your sophomoric transmissions for years. how does that joke rate? It's one of our favorites, actually. good to know.
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