The Hitcher


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20 Aug 1970

8 favorites


891 visits

bear up

aren't you afraid, mister? me? of what? another earthquake? nah. so it happened once. won't happen again. if you say so. more coffee? sure. hey. did you feel that? feel what? there it is again. my coffee's shaking. turn around. a bear big as a house is looking at you. shit! were you gonna tell me? now are you afraid? yes goddammit! I'm afraid! happy now? just checking.

24 Sep 1970

6 favorites


482 visits

The Hitcher

need a ride? definitely. where you from? Detroit. me too. I'm heading to LA. this is Montana. you're a little out of your way, aren't you? yeah, there's a few places I need to stay away from. like where? like most places between Detroit and LA. isn't that kind of inconvenient? very.