marooned on a strange planet

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14 Jun 2006

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Fine Dining

centurion! I smell humans. what is our status? the first wave of troops is ready, sire. deploy. and remember: no prisoners. but plenty to eat, correct, master? ha ha. yes. plenty of human meat. my mandibles are oozing viscous methane at the thought. a good look for you, o wise one, if I may so bold as to say so. stuff your bulging eye stalks back in your crusty little thorax, centurion, and get what humans would call your ass moving. yes, sire. strange body part, the ass. it's a mystery to me.

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02 Jan 2007

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stanley? what is that man doing? what man, dear? see? in that window? stanley! that man isn't wearing pants! put the binoculars down, edna.

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02 Jan 2007

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ground zero

I don't want to be here. nobody wants to be here. they have to be here. why is that? god only knows. well, I'm not gonna ask him. I don't think you'd like his answer anyway.

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07 Mar 2010

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scene of the crime

police line. no crossing. I just want to know what happened in there. I can't disclose that. it's too awful. c'mon. give me something! I'm a reporter! worst case I ever saw. that's all I can say. did they catch whoever did it? they know. but they don't care. what? what do you mean? I mean, a crime took place, and nobody cares. was anybody hurt? you could say that. where's the body? you're lookin' at it. what? that? the building? like I say. worst case I ever saw. I think I may agree with you.

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24 Aug 2009

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hey, buddy. can you spare a buck? I can't believe it. you're panhandling on the beach? well, I can't swim, so I gotta stop here. but we're trying to enjoy this sunset. yeah, me too. and I'd enjoy it alot more for a buck.

05 Aug 1978

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the good student

I'm ready for my lesson. what lesson is that? sand writing, of course. right. that lesson. well, you said it can only be learned without clothes. I said that? and I believed you. as you should, at all times.

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20 Aug 2008

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no way out

hey, paulie, how do we get out of here? whaddya mean? we just arrived. I know. I got a bad feeling about this place, that's all. how come? can't you just enjoy the sunset like everyone else? you mean, like those 2 over there? who? the 2 guys in blue. as in cops. hey, forget about them. they're on vacation. they're cops. they give me heartburn. you always did worry too much. yeah, well I'm still here to talk about it, ain't I? you make that sound like it's a good thing. hey! don't start! yeah, ok. have another donut. I think I will. nice sunset, isn't it? yeah. nice.

05 Jun 2008

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safe house

watcha wanna do today, marty? I dunno, mikey. watchoo wanna do? wanna steal some h-bomb secrets? again? nah, I can't. mom says I gotta be home. yeah. me too I guess. tomorrow though? ok, sure.

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05 Feb 2006

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body snatchers

they're all loaded. good. hit the road. we've got a lot of deliveries tonight. yeah. fresh pods. for fresh humans. they'll never know what happened. right. they're asleep. asleep and unaware. ok, get going. we still have work to do. by next week, this planet will be ours. go on. we're not done yet.
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