nora likes wiley


Executive Privilege

05 Feb 2012 10 599
welcome to the 14th floor, smithers. thank you sir. I'm honored by the promotion. you're an executive now, smithers. here is your executive washroom key. don't abuse the privilege. I wouldn't think of it, sir. in other words, keep it zipped up, smithers. except when in appropriate use, of course. of course, sir. mind the mirrored ceilings. and the towel girls. towel girls? there's. . . towel girls? we're all about provding jobs here, smithers. very commendable, sir. but I. . . I think I have to use the bathroom now, if that's ok. certainly, smithers. most of us find that we do. all the time.


19 Sep 2019 8 2 431
hey, Gary, what's up? guess what Marv. I'm getting the band back together. what? I thought they all, you know, died. like years ago. yeah. it was tragic. so. . . so they're back. kinda. you know that sounds a little wierd, right? yeah, but having Scooter on guitar, and Richie, with a voice like an angel. did you say angel? or something. you got a gig? oh yeah. down by the cemetery. tonight. let me guess. at midnight? you saw the flyer? no need.

Shove It

17 Sep 2019 10 2 813
sir! an enemy starship is closing on us fast! shields up! prepare to go to warp drive! yes, sir! ah, sir? what is it? I think I left my warp drive code book in my locker, sir! what?! you need a code book? it has pictures, and. . . things. sir! don't you just hit a button, and all the stars fly past us? that's only on TV, sir. TV? in fact, stars are light years apart from each other. to have them whizzing past every few seconds would incorrectly imply that they are very close together. I'll be damned. yes sir. by the way, that sound you heard was our shield being destroyed. the outer shell's breached. shit. so, what now, sir? now? right now I could use a stiff drink. me too. shall I make it a double? sounds good. yes, sir.


17 Sep 2019 10 598
slave! I need you! yes, lord Anubis. how may I serve you? it's my palace! look at it! lord? can't you see? it's decrepit! totally unfit for a god such as myself! but lord, you just hosted a mammoth party for our great pharaoh, and he was so impressed! he was? and remember: you are the god of the dead! your palace should reflect some amount of. . . shall I say. . . decay? even. . . rot? hmmm. you really think so? I do, lord! it's you! it's so very you! well, if it's me. how about if I prepare a nice glass of embalming fluid for you, lord. yes, that may help calm me. I'll fetch your favorite mummy too. oh good. her wrapping's not too tight, is it? no, lord. I do so love unraveling her. it's reaching that last layer. it makes me just. . . tingle with anticipation. how exciting for you, lord.

Down Home

29 Sep 2019 10 2 364
we're meeting the new guy here, boss. you ever meet him? nope. so how we gonna know it's him? he said it'll be obvious. yeah? how? I got no idea. damn. I hate surprises. me too.

Modern Times

29 Sep 2019 8 1 596
good afternoon, sir. can I assist you? maybe. I need a car. but it's gotta be loaded. may I interest you in this model? hmmm. does it have leather seats? of course. stereo? power sun roof? GPS? all the bells and whistles, trust me. ok, I'll take it. just be careful with the manual choke. the what? it's a killer at times. I have no idea what you're talking about. that's fine. you will.

Kind of Blue

03 Feb 1973 10 3 774
you know what I think? pretty much. really? uh huh. that's good.


16 Sep 2019 6 3 480
good morning, herr doktor. what are you working on today? hello, my boy. I'm about to begin my newest experiment. I've even come up with a title when I submit the results for publication. great. what's the subject? 'colonoscopy in the sitting position: lessons learned from self-colonoscopy.' you. . . you gave yourself a colonoscopy? me? ha ha! no way! you're going to, though! now sit here. me? take this scope. wait. that's the short one. use this. and. . . in! yow! silence! we must all sacrifice for science, my boy! (mmph)

Detroit Muscle

14 Aug 2009 5 5 653
yo, louie. I gotta job for ya. yeah boss? I want you to lean on a guy a little. owes me money. lean? like how much? enough so's the money appears. that's how much. that kind of muscle, I'll need vinny. go ahead. and take the red car. serious? forget vinny then. I'm taking loretta. what kinda muscle she got? only the good kind boss.

Get Real

29 Sep 2012 7 811
hey,man, wanna take in a game? I can't. gotta do something for the old lady. hey, don't listen to her! there's a game! you've never been married, have you. no. so? so shut the fuck up. you have no clue. dude, I'm sorry to hear that. yeah, well, love is strange. gee, that sounds like a. . . you know, a song. almost. almost.


09 Nov 2019 10 8 944
ticket, please, sir. ticket? I don't have a ticket. I'm sorry, then, but I can't allow you into the theater. there's something happening here? oh yes. our annual musical fling! really? but this place is. . . a burned out shell! yes, we pride ourselves on realistic set design. say. are you really an usher? of course! and come to think of it, I do have one available seat in the balcony. great! mind the rusty bolts. bolts? they can be somewhat uncomfortable on the, uh, buttocks. oh. do you have, ah, seat cushions? I do! that'll be $50. when does the show start? as soon as I have the money! I mean, momentarily, sir.


26 Mar 2019 11 7 575
take a look at this, my boy. what is it, herr doktor? you need to first know what it is not! huh? obviously, it appears to be a fabricated industrial foundry mold, inexplicably wedded to an ordinary piece of automotive equipment. it does? which is exactly what it is not! the unknown designer cleverly concealed a sophisticated machine of enormous importance! a veritable palimpsest! what? my rigorous testing has revealed that this mysterious object holds the key to controlling the speed of light! and specifically, how to stop light in its tracks! ha ha! gee. these numbers contain the crucial code: "66861-0" uh, doktor, I think the numbers are actually 66851-0. what's that? mein gott! you're right! is that important? important? good thing I didn't pay for this worthless piece of junk. you mean, no palimpsest? no. but how about a vodka martini instead. should I make it. . . a double. very good, my boy.

User Friendly

10 Nov 2019 9 1 707
I got us a new hide-out, boss. it's a penthouse! sounds good, ernie. take the steamer trunks with all the loot and let's go. trunks? ah. . . what's the problem? well, it's just that. . . what? this place is, you know, very secluded. yeah? so? I don't think those trunks are gonna fit inside the. . . the metal ladder cages. the what? you know, the kind that go up the outside of the building, to get to the, ah, you know, penthouse. you mean I gotta climb a ladder to get to this place? you'll love it! it's got great views! yeah? and what about my loot? I don't suppose we got a helicopter?


05 Sep 2019 10 4 692
good morning, herr doktor. ah, there you are, my boy. come, sit here. what are we working on today? it's my latest breakthrough in cryptozoology! drink this. crypto. . . ? down the hatch! that's my boy. what did I just drink? you'll know when you start to grow fangs and lots and lots of hair! what. . . ? wait while I attach these manacles. can't be too careful! doktor. I feel. . . weird. secure! just in time! GRRRRR! what did I just say? it's alive! ha ha! RRROWW-RRRROWWWFFFF! just like that, another new species! I really must congratulate myself. AAAOOOOOO! no, no. it's a little early for lunch. but your replacement will be here soon. how does that sound? RRRREEE! good. I'm pleased too.

Loss Prevention

01 Nov 2015 5 1 429
Egmont Overture, sir. reporting for my first day of work. good. got your college degree, Overture? oh yes, sir! excellent. this insurance company places a high value on education! now, see this pile of paper? yes sir. these are new claims. I want you to deny them. all of them, sir? of course, all of them! so I assume they're, what. . . fraudulent? no, you idiot! these are legitimate! we use high schoolers to deny the fraudulent claims! oh. . . have them done by noon. you'll get more. stay productive, Overture! yes, sir.


19 Jan 2018 6 375
this is the place. so keep the noise down. what for? who could be here? it's not who. it's what. the hell does that mean? you don't wanna know. ok. now you're starting to freak me out. good. you're making it up, right? you wanna believe that? then don't look behind you. no! what?! better.

Scene of the Crime

18 Aug 2008 12 4 822
now, where did you say you saw this, young lady? right there, officer. I saw it. and what exactly did you see? ooh, it was gigantic. and fast. and that poor swimmer. . . there was a swimmer? yes, and he had no chance. the thing was huge. what happened to him? he just disappeared. it was like he was bait. bait, you say? swimming in his clothes? who does that? and, well, my uncle, he's sort of a scientist? what kind of scientist? well, he does things with genetics? invents things. what kinds of things? like genetic mutations? huge sea monsters, I guess. sea monsters. and how about the swimmer? did you know him? oh. he was a reporter, for the local paper. and this was your uncle? did I say that? yes. my. . . uncle. he didn't like him snooping around the lab. I see. and now the reporter's gone? oh, yes. very gone. for good, I'm sure. and where's your, ah, uncle? oh, he had to leave. isn't it a beautiful day? yes, it is. well thanks again, miss. anytime, officer.

That's Fine

03 Feb 1973 13 3 689
thanks for letting me wear your shirt. I like it. me too. really? on you? totally.

210 items in total