the illusion of reality

Vanishing Points

the illusion of reality

12 May 2012 13 4 797
can you help me, doctor? in what way can I help you? I can't tell the difference between reality and fantasy. how does it feel? mostly awesome, but not always practical. and you want me to fix that? shouldn't I? hell no. we should all be living the dream. wish I could. really? in a strictly scientific sense, of course. of course, doctor.

plan B

12 May 2012 10 8 716
you sure you know how to get out of this place, larry? absolutely. I got a plan. a foolproof plan. I only ask because this looks like a dead end, know what I mean? leave it to me, buddy boy. we'll get out of here safe and sound. in fact, I'm quite positive that this is a dead end. no way! you sure? and I'm also positive that I hear the cops behind us. shit! already? we just ran out of the bank! so what are we gonna do now, smart guy? no doubt about it. we go to plan B. and what exactly is that, larry? I'll let you know. soon as I think of it.

the root of all evil

29 Apr 2012 13 1 939
may I help you, my son? yes, we are here on a charitable mission. are you? seems to me you're just looking for money. we do need money to survive in this world. you know what they say: money is the root of all evil. what do you think about that? yes, however, I have it on very high authority that it is not the evil itself. we should give thanks for that. amen.

no hipsters

07 Apr 2012 2 566
where do you think you're going? I'm here for the show, man. forget it. you ain't getting in. whaddya mean? I'm all dressed for the occasion. can't you read the sign? anyway, that color scheme sucks. and turn that hat around. you look ridiculous. damn, man. that's harsh. the symphony has its standards here, you know. yeah? coulda fooled me.

cry me a river

18 Mar 2012 3 1 529
this is the place, pauley. yeah? place for what, vince? our new business venture. it'll be dynamite. you planning on blowing it up? sounds good to me. no! this'll be the new in place in town. I don't see it. they'll be eating out of our hands. they're not gonna want to touch your hand in this dump. or anything else for that matter. all it'll take is a little money. you think I'm putting money into this place, you're nuts. hey, I thought you was a friend. a friend? yes. a schmuck? no. there it goes. another dream, destroyed by greed and avarice. you need a higher class of dreams, pal. apparently.

class warfare

05 Feb 2012 6 1 665
rocco, it's collection day. get out there and make the rounds. ok boss. but boss, you think that's fair? what are you talking about? collecting from these poor people who have nothing. so? well, it's like, you know, the rich taking from the poor. yeah? what's your point?

don't stop now

04 Aug 2011 4 4 740
why are you laughing? because I feel good. what's there to feel good in this place? this place? nothing. it's somebody else. somebody you're thinking of? yeah, like all the time. must feel good. that's what I said. yes you did.

blind ambition

23 Jul 2011 2 2 613
you can't get there from here. the hell I can't. there's no way that floor's gonna support you. then it's a good thing I brought my anti-gravitational device, isn't it? your. . . what? just one of my little toys. if you have that, why'd you have to climb that ladder to get up here? well look at you! mr. logical himself! you got an answer? not so much. big surprise.


26 Dec 2010 4 6 864
edna, I forgot to have jeeves pick up my laundry. is that so, dear? yes, and I wanted to wear my favorite tux tonight. well, just wear one of your other ones. I would, but they're all in my second closet. is that a problem, stanley? well, it's a long walk, edna. such a bother. if it's jeeves' fault, have him go get it. I would, but he's taken the night off. well that is just unacceptable, stanley. it's a different world than mumsy and daddy lived in. vexing, isn't it stanley. simply vexing.

once were warriors

17 Feb 2010 11 6 1672
I'm looking for a large space to rent. you've come to the right place. I have special requirements. I need plenty of power. we have industrial grade transformers. also, I require direct access to a railroad spur. already in place. this was once an industrial facility. yes, it might work. is it structurally sound? like a bunker. impregnable. it will have to be, for what I plan to do. er, may I ask what that would be? no. but I advise you to stay clear for awhile. how clear? oh, outside the 50 mile blast radius should be safe. blast radius? fine. just sign, and here's the key. I'm off. make that 75 miles. you never know. whatever you say.

statistical probabilities

01 Nov 2007 12 1 1611
where are we? I dunno. we'll follow these tracks. which way though? we'll flip a coin. maybe we'll get lucky. I'm broke. you got any change? shit! I'm out too. ok, you choose. I say we go that way. are you nuts? we need to go THAT way, man. you said I get to choose! yeah, until you chose wrong.

harmonic convergence of chaos

20 Aug 2008 15 6 1987
good evening, lord. how are you, archangel? oh, I've been better, thank you. what seems to be the problem? well, now that summer is over, I miss my boat. your boat? yes, sailing on my favorite lake on earth. I miss it. well, I don't blame you. but summer will return. but I have to take my boat out of the water before winter. so? man, I hate having to do that. why don't you just cruise it down to the florida keys? that would be so tempting, lord, I know. so why not? well, would you, um, would you. . . crew for me? me? all my angels are busy on assignment. I can't do it alone. you want me to crew for you on your boat? I'll bring the margarita mix. it'll be great. you know I don't drink. of course, lord. it would be just for show. ok. let's get it done. snow's about to fall in michigan. you got it, lord. but you owe me, archangel. don't I always, lord? that's true.

entrance to hell

07 Feb 2009 1 771
where are we? better you don't ask. where does this go? doesn't matter. it's too late anyway. I don't like that smell. nobody does. you'll get used to it. can't we turn back? that's not allowed. man, you are definitely bringing me down. you ain't seen nothing yet. wait'll you meet the boss.


01 Nov 2007 13 6 1667
stanley, what is that awful sound? what's that, dear? from down the tracks. like a million insect wings beating at once. ridiculous. say, something's coming out of the woods. oh my god! stanley, what are those things? edna, get back in the house and don't come out no matter what. stanley! they're HUGE!!! edna, do as I say! run!! and grab all the Raid you can find.

leisure class

01 Jan 2007 7 3 1019
stanley! I thought I asked you to take out the garbage! yes edna. and do try and not step on my petunias, ok? yes dear, but I believe jeeves did that last week, dear. oh? that's not what he said. really. what else did the two of you talk about? I'm sure you don't want to know. I suppose not.


20 Aug 2008 5 2 973
where are all the border guards? I guess they must be on break. well that's not a good reason. no wonder security in this country is falling apart. absolutely. it's appalling. totally. but now we don't have to declare any of this stuff, do we. good thing. I thought I was gonna have to eat it. that would have been entertaining. you'd have been high as a kite for weeks. yeah? what's your point? I guess there isn't one. I guess not.

no way out

20 Aug 2008 18 3 2173
hey, paulie, how do we get out of here? whaddya mean? we just arrived. I know. I got a bad feeling about this place, that's all. how come? can't you just enjoy the sunset like everyone else? you mean, like those 2 over there? who? the 2 guys in blue. as in cops. hey, forget about them. they're on vacation. they're cops. they give me heartburn. you always did worry too much. yeah, well I'm still here to talk about it, ain't I? you make that sound like it's a good thing. hey! don't start! yeah, ok. have another donut. I think I will. nice sunset, isn't it? yeah. nice.

where the money is

09 Jul 2014 14 6 1845
geez, boss. how long we gonna stay on this road? what's the matter with you, curly? it's beautiful here. yeah, I know, but geez, boss, we been driving for hours. we'll get there when we get there. where we goin'? anyplace where there ain't cops. well, there's none around here. there ain't no banks, either. yeah, good point.

68 items in total