biology is destiny

Key West

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31 Mar 2006

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biology is destiny

lord, are you busy? no more than usual, archangel. what is it? I don't think we can winter in the keys, lord. whaddya mean? I love Key West. yes, lord, I know. I can't miss new year's eve there! it's total debauchery. nothing like it! yes, lord, of course. but there's a problem. what problem? the oil spill in the gulf of mexico, lord. remember? sure. those idiots. spoiling my waters! it's a travesty, lord. a crime against nature. and me, too. and you, too, of course. so, what's your point? my point is, how that affects where you play. what? how can you play in the keys, with that mess right there? you mean, so close at hand. exactly, lord. those morons at BP are going to keep me from my vacation? I'm afraid so, lord. there will be hell to pay, archangel. absolute hell. are you saying I should call. . . you know. we don't need the evil one for this. thank goodness, lord. I'm gonna get evil on their ass, myself. ooh. I love it when you talk biblical like that. fire and brimstone, archangel. do it, lord. they just bought themselves a whole world of pain. I'll get my camera. and my lightning bolts, while you're up. you got it, lord.