dirty work

South Florida

04 Apr 2008

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1 134 visits

dirty work

he's in there. all we gotta do is wait. then what? he comes out. we follow. what'd he do? don't know. don't care. none of my business. after we follow him, then what? depends. might get nasty. that's ok by me. I'm sick of sitting around. you have no patience, you know that? maybe, but I like dirty work.

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22 Oct 2007

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1 149 visits

my patio

we'll have drinks outside, jeeves. I shall see to it immediately, monsieur. and bring the yacht around. yes, sir. we'll only need a half crew today. say 15 girls? as you wish. undressed, of course. of course, sir.

26 May 2008

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894 visits

behind enemy lines

any news, number 99? yes, HQ. I see new defensive walls and other structures. be careful, 99, don't get spotted. there is also a lot of activity, using shovels and pails full of water. hmmm. what do you think that means? I don't know, but can I have ice cream now, daddy? sure, baby.

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04 Apr 2008

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1 040 visits


they're inside that place. how many? shit, maybe thousands. what's the plan? kill 'em all, before they spread, infect the whole planet. well, duh! but how do we do it? you're going in there. not me, brother. I ain't no hero. no you're the bait. get 'em to come out. yeah, then what? me and this particle beam disintegrator will take over. won't be nothing left but the memories. fried bugs on a summer night. it's weird how they look just like people. good thing we're not fooled, eh? just another day in paradise. I can almost hear the music. yeah? vivaldi? no. led zeppelin. figures.

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06 Apr 2008

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921 visits

they're coming

they're out there, lars. yeah, I can smell 'em. what are we gonna do? well, first thing, I'm gonna have another drink. man, this is serious. we can't be wasting time. johnny walker blue is never a waste of time. ok, pour me one too. what the hell. now your talking. then we can go burn some bugs. I'm with you, man.

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06 Apr 2008

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2 627 visits

they watch

we come in peace, earthling. yeah, right. no, really! we do! well then, what's that thing you're holding? this? oh, it's nothing. a mere fashion bauble. what's it do? oh, it does emit a powerful death ray, I guess. a what? capable of liquifying most carbon-based matter. you mean, like humans? well, now that you mention it, yes, I suppose. cool.

22 Oct 2007

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1 734 visits


edna, somebody's at the door. can't you get it, stanley? I'm basting a turkey. dammit edna, I'm watching the game. just get up off your butt and answer the door, stanley. I'm sure it's for you anyway, edna. well just tell them to wait. I'm gonna tell them to scram, is what I'm gonna do. fine by me, stanley. I mean, a man's got a right to sit in his house in peace. it's ok, dear. I'd hate for you to have to put your pants on. yes, well, there's that too.

29 Nov 2009

506 visits


I'm not going in there. no way. we have to. it's the only way to track him. oh hell no. the things that live in there? just a few snakes and bugs. you afraid? damn straight. and you should be too. I'm going. if I'm not out in 5, call for back-up. if you're not out in 5, back-up won't help. I hope you're wrong about that. you should.

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22 Oct 2007

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614 visits

my servants' quarters

guess what, lord? I can't imagine, archangel. I just bought a car. you didn't! whatever for? you can fly wherever you like. well, I was passing through new jersey, and. . don't say it. no. please. yes, I got spam from baal, and opened it. you know he's a total thief! yes yes. but he offered me a great deal on this car. oy vey. well, what did you buy? it's a cream-colored, '59 cadillac, with fins. sweet machine. but I'm sure you were raped. he's letting me pay over time. don't do it! the interest will be astronomical! hmmm. I didn't think of that. he's totally amoral! don't you remember canaan? yes, he was out of control, wasn't he. absolutely! even forgetting the virgins! well, you put him in his place, lord. I know I'm going to have to step in, here. oh, not at all. somebody has to protect the defenseless consumer. you are truly amazing, lord. well, I've been called worse. by those who are no longer around. true. very true.
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