time machine

you move me

time machine

14 Aug 2009 3 1153
lord, may I interrupt? what is it now, archangel? I just thought you'd like to go for a ride. excuse me? yeah, in my new chariot. you still collecting those things? oh yes. and this one is extra special, lord. how so? check it out. it's red, and it's fast. how fast? fast enough to take you decades back in time. hmmm. a time machine, eh? yes, lord, as only detroit could make them. one of my favorite places, detroit. me too, lord. ok, archangel. drive, but for god's sake, watch out where you're going. we don't need to get a ticket. don't worry. I have friends on the PD. I am not surprised.

Ghost Rider

08 Mar 2014 40 11 1679
how do you like your new ride, boss? sweet, ain't it? paulie, I said get me something inconspicuous. did you hear me say that? in-con-spic-u-ous. don't you know what that means? sure I do, boss. it means 'big, red and flashy,' right? just like everything else you own. I'll take that as a compliment, paulie. sure boss. you do that.

Chick Magnet, Ret'd

23 Jun 1974 9 5 1567
get in. why? where we going? don't worry about it. just get in. maybe I don't wanna get in. trust me. you do. you really do. give me a hint. see that back seat? ever see one that sweet before? hmmm. I receive your meaning. so? what are we waiting for? drive.


28 May 2011 4 2 708
this is the getaway car? this? yes indeed. it's perfect. you gonna drive it, and the loot too? absolutely. what about me? you get your own ride. how come? because there's only room for me and the loot in here. that's how come. something about that doesn't seem right. you'll get used to it. but how am I gonna get away? you could always call a cab. yeah, I suppose. sure. don't worry about it. the loot will be safe with me. easy for you to say. yeah, and I just did.

shouldn't have sold it

03 Aug 1970 6 3 964
what station is this? the music sucks. do you mind? I'm driving. don't forget to take a left up ahead. I can see that, thank you. we are on a race track, you know. yeah, and don't you think you're driving a little too fast?

body snatchers

05 Feb 2006 13 6 2316
they're all loaded. good. hit the road. we've got a lot of deliveries tonight. yeah. fresh pods. for fresh humans. they'll never know what happened. right. they're asleep. asleep and unaware. ok, get going. we still have work to do. by next week, this planet will be ours. go on. we're not done yet.

bringing the heat

27 Sep 1975 1 700
get in. where we goin'? never mind, just be ready. the boss wants us. yeah, what for? he's got a job for us to do. what kind of job? all he said was, bring heat. my kind of job.


28 May 2011 2 542
bugsy siegel! what about him? he invented las vegas. why you tellin' me that? because in this line of work you gotta know your history. yeah? sez who? the boss is who. you got a problem with that? no. no problem. good.


28 May 2011 1 521
it's a beautiful night, edna. let's go for a drive. oh, stanley, you are so romantic. romantic? I just want to try out my new ride. oh. your ride. which will look so much better with you in it, of course. oh, stanley. let's go girl.

my other car

26 Jun 1971 4 1 787
dad, can I take the car? which one? 23. take it where? well, I'm going out with roxanne. oh? there's only room for one. and where will she sit? on me, of course. ask your mother.

caught in the act

19 Sep 2008 3 2 771
I told you to get those brakes checked. but did you? nooooo. you think you're so smart. sorry, boss. well this is a fine mess you got us into.

bank job

14 Aug 2009 3 13 1060
I need wheels. something inconspicuous, but very fast. I've got just the thing for you. ok, good, because I do not want to be noticed. at all. you got nothing to worry about. trust me. ok. deliver it to the bank at 4:00 sharp. where will you be? I'll be running out. in a bit of a hurry. it'll be there. and nice and quiet, right? practically invisible.

don't look now, but they're gaining on us

21 Jun 2008 2 1169
uh oh. what's the matter? their's something back there. what is it? I dunno, but I think you better speed up.

rare exports

05 Feb 2006 2 1182
that's him. him? you sure? he seems so. . . I dunno, small. that's because you're up on a roof, you dope. the guy's huge. oh. yeah. so now what? he'll be in there an hour. when we get the signal from joey, we make our move and grab the truck. what's the signal? geez! are you still asleep or something? he'll text us. try to keep up. ok ok! hey, my phone's beeping. is that the signal? lemme see. what the fuck is this? did you order a pizza? oh, yeah. I did. I forgot to pick it up. how are we supposed to get joey's signal, if you got a pizza joint bugging us? c'mon. how was I supposed to know? all right, dammit. you better go pick it up. ok. be right back. ok if I pick up a beer while I'm out? shit. make it two. might as well get something out of this screwy operation.

Right of Way

10 Aug 1970 4 1 826
did you see that? that jerk almost ran over my foot! yeah. damn kids these days. got no respect. it's like they think the street is their own private race track! sucks, don't it.

weekend car

09 Aug 1971 1 796
sweetie, I'm going to the store. do you need anything? no thanks, hon. ok. well, I'm just going to take the, you know, other car. oh, I see. well try to keep it under 140 in the parking lot. yeah, sure. no problem.

chick magnet, retired v.2

17 Aug 1976 1 1 888
she and I can both say the same thing. what's that? some things just don't work like they used to, anymore. ain't that the truth.


08 Jul 1972 2 1 709
mind if I stop at starbucks? I need coffee. geez, we're already late for the meeting. don't worry. Jenkins can cover it. guess what. we just passed Jenkins, at the bus stop. damn! ok, we'll hit the donut shop instead. shorter lines. gun it.

70 items in total