Denis Croissant's photos

Marseille, At An Angle.

15 Mar 2024 2 2 38
Cathedrale de la Major.

Les Couleurs de Cassis!

Les Couleurs de Cassis!

Les Couleurs de Cassis!

Les Couleurs de Cassis!

Les Couleurs de Cassis!

Tintin I know, but who the hell is Gaby?????

Cassis ( Artist's Impression)

My trip to Cassis.

21 Mar 2024 3 3 32
For a long while I've been obsessing about taking a trip to Cassis. One of my favourite comic book artists, the late, Yves Chaland portrayed the little port in 1986 in 'The Comet of Carthage' - a ligne claire, Freddy Lombard adventure about a murderous sculptor. It was important to travel there by bus as the journey along the mountain roads features strongly in the book, I wasn't disappointed, the bus route is spectacular with fantastic views.

The lighthouse, Cassis.

21 Mar 2024 3 26
As illustrated by Yves Chaland & by me with my phone...

It's a gorgeous day....

Lemon tree...perhaps fish for lunch...

Boulangerie Moderne....

It's nearly lunchtime....Jai faim!!

Les olives...

Croustillant de Canard, Mousseline Artichaud

Daurade Royale...

Jeff de Cassis...

19 Mar 2024 3 2 33
...pas du chocolat!

2709 photos in total