The Limbo Connection's photos

Press Photograph of George Kirrin in the Black Mar…

23 Oct 2015 4 41
The Judge told the Court that he would like to be lenient with George Kirrin because of his youth, but the charges were serious and Kirrin had known and understood the gravity of what he was doing. George was sentenced to five years, most of which would be served in Borstal. Incredibly, the Court had accepted without question George's sworn statement that he was a boy.

Timmy Relaxing on Holiday

22 Aug 2014 26
What with all the drama and the complete implosion of the Kirrins, Timmy had almost forgotten how sexually licentious the adults had been behind the children's backs. It was a bad example to set, even for a dog, and worryingly Timmy had also detected a sinister side to Julian's character. Timmy decided to stay a bit longer in Lyme Regis before making any firm plans for the future. He was missing George very badly. Perhaps he would make his way to the Borstal on the Isle of Portland.

The Prosecution's Evidence

06 Aug 2023 21
At the trial of George Kirrin who, despite his youth, had been charged with Treason, Counsel for the Prosecution demonstrated the system of codes and ciphers that Quentin Kirrin had used to communicate with the Communists and proved that George had been implicated in the plot.


05 Aug 2023 1 42
The Secret Service knew that Uncle Quentin's secretary was connected to an agency in Great James Street. Moving quickly, they detained Quentin at Dover with his suitcase containing the prototype guidance system. Meanwhile, Special Branch arrested a woman thought to be Quentin's secretary but she turned out to be a Surbiton housewife on a shopping spree in Bloomsbury. The real go-between was never found.

Aunt Fanny The Day Before

05 Aug 2023 2 25
Betrayed by Quentin and spurned by people at the Tennis Club, Fanny's grip on reality and descent into unpredictable rages worried the Five, especially when she blamed their incessant and stupid adventuring for her humiliation. Julian took charge and arranged for a Sanitorium somewhere up north to look after her for a few weeks. When Dick and Anne asked Julian for the address of the asylum he was unable to recall it. George gave Timmy one of Fanny's old slippers to smell for a scent, but he recoiled in disgust and went AWOL for several days. It later turned out that he had gone to Lyme Regis, which was a resort well-known to the canine community for being kind and welcoming to dogs. To be continued.

Doing the Filing

05 Aug 2023 4 36
Fanny was surprised to discover that Quentin now had an attractive young secretary to assist him with the tests on the secret prototype missile guidance system. He said that she was particularly competent at filing, with an unerring eye for putting things in the right places.

Anne Had a Dreadful Hangover That Morning

04 Aug 2023 3 36
Anne had unexpectedly grown up and married Peter, once the most insufferable boy in the Secret Seven and now an insufferable mature adult working in the insurance industry. Now Anne had four unruly children and a dependence on valium and gin. How she longed for the days when she was the only really normal one in the Famous Five. She never saw any of them any more, not since the big family row and Uncle Quentin's arrest and imprisonment.


27 Mar 2012 3 1 58
I thought she resembled the painting by Dante Gabriël Rossetti (1874).


03 Aug 2023 3 46
Understanding. Tension. Defence. Impasse.

Sunday Night at the London Palladium

Vertical Aspiration

Proteinail 1969 Meets Matchbox Dancing Girls Tetr…

02 Aug 2023 6 47
This tells you what you already know: it's all about the eyes.

Pontings and Pettit’s; Nova Magazine, Sewing World…

02 Aug 2023 1 35
66 Pontings and Pettit’s are the two old-fashioned ladies of Kensington High Street. The architecture and atmosphere haven’t changed for years and this old-world feel makes it nice to go shopping in them. Ponting’s fabric hall is full of unusual and reasonably priced materials, and they have about the best-stocked household linen department in London. In Pettit’s marvellous underwear department is a treasure trove of old ladies’ vests and camisoles; dyed or with transfers on they make smashing T-shirts. This camisole (left) is in pure wool and delicately knitted like a baby’s shawl. It comes in white and looks perfect worn ...99 The Nova feature dates from the mid to late 1960s. It didn't save Pontings and Pettit's. They closed down in 1970, having operated since 1863. Superimposed on the Nova article is a more recent bra fit guide, which seemed somehow appropriate. It was in 'Sewing World' magazine, which folded in 2018 after 22 years' existence. I can't remember where 'WHERE' came from. Probably also Nova magazine.

Two Sorts of Fabric

07 Jun 2023 38
Fujifilm X-E1 with a 28mm Soligor C/D Wide-Auto f/2.8 lens.

In the Cells

02 Aug 2023 1 51
During June, 2017, I visited Lacock Abbey to try out a few old M42 screw-mount lenses on a Canon EOS 40D DSLR. I got some nice pictures of bees and insects feasting on the flowers in the garden, and an especially satisfactory result photographing a lavender bush using a Cosinon 135mm telephoto in the abbey yard - the place where Fox Talbot did his photo of a fellow up a ladder. Later I took a walk around the inside of the big house built on top of the abbey, just to prolong the visit really. And from an upstairs window I observed a party of girls arriving under the supervision of a harrassed-looking teacher-type of woman. They were probably there for the Harry Potter experience in the cloisters, because that was where they were about to enter. I had a Chinon 55mm f/1.4 on the camera and clearly no time to change it, so I shot a few speculative shots of the melee beneath the upstairs window. I might have done better with a longer focal length, but as it turned out one of these pictures included this girl swerving in a right angle to enter the cloisters. She had the perfect expression of a young person in high spirits on a summer outing, bringing back all sorts of buried memories of joy and freedom. She makes a good subject for experimental photography in which I am currently indulging.


02 Aug 2023 1 42
This started from an advertisement for a beauty product called Proteinail which appeared during 1969. There may have been a colour version, but the one I saw was in black and white. I thought it would make a pretty picture if the model was repeated four times, like a tetraptych, so I found a way of doing that. I left it that way for several years. More recently, on a whim, I combined the still black and white tetraptych in a double exposure with a vivid colour close-up photograph of an old matchbox. It's not apparent in this depiction, but for information, the matchbox featured a cartoon-like painting of six dancing girls. It is very attractive on its own, just as the original Proteinail advertisement was. I think this is probably the culmination of the project, but you never can tell.

Un Défilé de Mode aux Folies Norwich

30 Jul 2023 2 5 47
The ghost of Édouard Manet moves over East Anglia.

Red Wash

20 Jul 2023 3 1 60
Only red and pink, she said. Fujifilm X-E1 with Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 R lens.

6660 photos in total