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  Shooting date  /  2014  /  August  /  4   -   69 photos

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  • Greengrocer's Market, Bath
  • Market Stall
  • Columns
  • Bath, Somerset
  • Bath Abbey Churchyard, 8.37 am
  • Loose Queueing
  • Structured Queueing
  • A Quarter to Eight
  • Early Delivery
  • Thai by the Weir, Bath
  • Five People At 5 Argyle Street
  • Laura Place
  • Laura Place Fountain, Bath
  • Parking Discussion
  • Georgian City
  • Turnstile
  • Bath Bicycles
  • Holburne Museum, Bath
  • Holburne Museum, Bath
  • Holburne Museum Exhibition
  • The Temple of Minerva, Sydney Gardens, Bath
  • Minerva is on her Break
  • Chestnut Paling in Sydney Gardens B&W Edit
  • Chestnut Paling, Sydney Gardens
  • Safety Fence
  • First Great Western HST, Sydney Gardens, Bath
  • 08.13
  • HST, Sydney Gardens, Bath
  • Graffito in Sydney Gardens, Bath
  • Stone in Sydney Gardens
  • Kennet and Avon Canal, Sydney Gardens, Bath
  • Cleveland Tunnel
  • Pamela
  • A Boatman and His Bike
  • Kennet and Avon Canal Lady (1)
  • Kennet and Avon Canal Lady (2)
  • Canal at Bath
  • The Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, On a Barge
  • Meanwhile, Monochrome
  • Kennet and Avon Canal at Bath
  • Widcombe
  • Widcombe Lock
  • Deep Lock
  • Kennet and Avon Canal, Widcombe
  • Chapel Lock, Kennet & Avon
  • Girl on Lock Gate, Bath, Somerset
  • Anticipation
  • Kennet and Avon Canal Lock Gate Volunteer
  • Kennet and Avon Canal at Bath (Blonde)
  • Professional Photographer on the Kennet and Avon Canal
  • History
  • Crossing the River Avon in Bath
  • On the Buses
  • SouthGate, Bath
  • Frocks
  • Pump Room Restaurant, Bath
  • Pump Room
  • Bath Abbey Churchyard Couple
  • Visitors to Bath
  • Bath Abbey Churchyard, August, 2014
  • The Bench. No Vacancies.
  • Bath Abbey Churchyard Photographer
  • Melee
  • Elbow Patches
  • Three Female People
  • Eating Out
  • Hall & Woodhouse
  • Waitress