Cleaning Lady B&W

The Lady with the Broom

Several largely ineffective edits of a photograph which could have been good, had I had the talent.

28 Aug 2012

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173 visits

Cleaning Lady B&W

Some people whom you ask will readily agree to be photographed but they will stand in front of you like a board. Others know exactly what to do, and this lady falls into that category. If I were a better photographer I would have done her more justice.

28 Aug 2012

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181 visits

Sweeping in the Cloisters (Edit)

A chance encounter. I asked if I might take her photograph. She did not object. She wondered if the picture would be improved by some sweeping action. Of course she was right. This was easily the best of the three photographs I made of her. How wonderful it is when strangers agree to be photographed. Nikon D2Xs + Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 lens. Typical for many ultra wide-angle lenses the Sigma AF 15-30mm EX suffers from very heavy barrel distortion at the wide end of the zoom range. The situation eases continuously towards the 30mm where the lens is almost free of distortion. This photograph was taken at 22mm. Distortion was very noticeable and difficult to correct in post processing.

28 Aug 2012

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124 visits

Cloisters Lady Soft Edit

A chance encounter. I asked if I might take her photograph. She did not object. She wondered if the picture would be improved by some sweeping action. Of course she was right. This was easily the best of the three photographs I made of her. How wonderful it is when strangers agree to be photographed. Nikon D2Xs + Sigma 15-30mm f/3.5-4.5 lens. Typical for many ultra wide-angle lenses the Sigma AF 15-30mm EX suffers from very heavy barrel distortion at the wide end of the zoom range. The situation eases continuously towards the 30mm where the lens is almost free of distortion. This photograph was taken at 22mm. Distortion was very noticeable and difficult to correct in post processing.

28 Aug 2012

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87 visits

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

Still I persist with the lady with the broom, who did everything right in the mistaken belief that I had some ability as a photographer.

28 Aug 2012

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90 visits

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness 3

Still editing. It's the next best thing to time travel.