Beiruit 2011

Beiruit 2011

Crossing from Syria into the Lebanon was like coming alive again. Also, having grown up with radio news headlines of shootings in Belfast/Beiruit it all came flooding back.

20 Jan 2011

66 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

67 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

69 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

68 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

55 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

58 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

63 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

59 visits

Beiruit 2011

20 Jan 2011

60 visits

Beiruit 2011

22 items in total