Soba made for Udon Vending Machine

Udon vending machine

This machine is a machine that automatically sell noodles.

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02 May 2016

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192 visits

Soba made for Udon Vending Machine

Soba ingredients is in the tempura and chikuwa and green onions. Since this machine is to finish the ones cooked half by hand in a vending machine Close to the fresh, delicious than the poor to make every other shop. for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

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172 visits

Udon Vending Machine(Order button)

Nixie Tube Right Udon and left Soba. Latency is a nixie tube on the button. It is both about 2USD. for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

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153 visits

Udon Vending Machine(Coin slot)

It is written with the 500 but does not correspond to the absolute new 500-yen coin. It means that the irreparable Once crushed packed. I offers a 100-yen coin. for iPhone 5s

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02 May 2016

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1 comment

177 visits

udon made for Udon Vending Machine

Udon ingredients is in the tempura and chikuwa and green onions. Since this machine is to finish the ones cooked half by hand in a vending machine Close to the fresh, delicious than the poor to make every other shop. for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

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203 visits

Udon Vending Machine

Made for Fuji Electric This machine is a machine that automatically sell the soba noodles and Udon noodles. Please look at the YouTube of the following principle of the machine for iPhone 5s

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02 May 2016

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211 visits

Thank you for the meal !

Container is the PP container of repeated use. (Originally is used repeatedly for is a disposable not making right now) for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

5 favorites


157 visits

B29 Lost of

During the Second World War, which B29 went down to this place. What parts of the will it be? This place had the Kawanishi aircraft factory in the immediate vicinity. Even then there is a ShinMaywa factory only now. for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

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246 visits

The return of the bridge

Sea breeze had hit comfortably to the body that was sweaty eating soba noodles and Udon noodles. for iPhone5s

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02 May 2016

10 favorites


208 visits

B29 Lost of

During the Second World War, which B29 went down to this place. What parts of the will it be? This place had the Kawanishi aircraft factory in the immediate vicinity. Even then there is a ShinMaywa factory only now. for iPhone5s