French's Parakeet Food Ad, 1956

My Dinner With Fluffy

...and Sparky, and Tweety. Pet food, and other related appearances, from the Fifties, mostly.

22 Feb 2019

147 visits

Dash Dog Food Ad, c1950

"Just what are you insinuating?" Blue Bluster snapped at the press corps. "Those puppies don't resemble me in the least. Next question!"

14 Mar 2011

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Puss 'n Boots Ad, 1959

"Hey put away that damn can. We're here for the crawfish boil!" From March's Good Housekeeping. (Originally posted to flickr on April 5th, 2011.)

18 Mar 2011

131 visits

Puss 'n Boots Ad, 1957

Cuddly kittens + peppy cursive typeface + SCIENCE!! + grisly fish dissection = Everything I love about ads from before I was born. Clipped from September's Good Housekeeping.

17 Apr 2020

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My Sin Perfume Ad, 1966

That bottle has The Yellow Kid getting an awkward waltz lesson from a rejected Greek amphora gal c.1000 b.c. Why didn't they just make the cat their logo?

11 Jul 2020

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Nature's Remedy Laxative Promo, 1945

"C'mon, Scruffy! Finish your dessert and then we'll go hang out at the drugstore!" The back of the cardboard base and several of the calendar pages also had more promos for the remedy and for Tums, too. ("Relieve without griping! without purging!") Some fun, eh?

12 Jul 2020

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Friskies Dog Food Ad, 1959

In his younger years, Chewbacca had stage parents who pushed him to take some really embarrassing jobs. From the August issue of Family Circle magazine.

20 Jun 2021

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Ken-L Biskit Dog Food Ad, 1961

The Pyrex Pet Dish fad was short-lived. From the November issue of American Home magazine.

16 Nov 2020

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Koppers Plastic/Polystyrene Ad, c1954

Ah, yes... the majestic elephant herds of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! More about the history of Dylite, etc. if you're in the mood to feel even more depressed about the future here . (Probably originally from Time magazine.)

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09 Sep 2012

151 visits

Royal Coal/Albina Fuel Co. Card, c1930

Shown slightly larger than actual size. Albina Fuel Co. still exists, though not at this address . I haven't had any luck pinpointing a decade for this promo, so I've just guessed. Additional info would be welcome.
33 items in total