Gold Bond Promo, 1953

Inside Story

Lots of interiors, furnishings, and decor. Mostly for the home. From about 1930 through to the mid-60s.

Gold Bond Promo, 1953

04 Jun 2011 126
"...Your lumber dealer will be glad to recommend skilled carpenters who can apply Gold Bond Insulation Board products quickly and with truly professional results. This material is easy to put up, however, and any homeowner who is handy with tools can do a job he will be proud of..." Plus, remember that box of Marx treatises left over from your college days? Wouldn't want some pesky workman to stumble upon those, would you? One quarter of a fold-out published by the National Gypsum Company of Buffalo, New York.

Gold Bond Promo (2), 1953

04 Jun 2011 157
John Wayne: Interior Design Specialist.

Formica Laminated Plastics Promo, c1955

18 Jun 2011 125
I wish I knew enough about design history to pinpoint the date for this a little better. And scoff if you must, but... "Wanke Panel Co." is now known as "Wanke Cascade." They still have locations in North Portland and Washington State. One side of a fold-out.

Formica Laminated Plastics Promo (2), c1955

18 Jun 2011 153
"The Vanitory" is just about the coolest name for anything ever. I may have to start a whole blog devoted to old-time bathroom products, just so I can use that as a title.

Gold Seal Floor Ad, 1957

23 Jun 2011 166
There's slippers by the bed, and yet Mrs. America doesn't have feet. What gives? From House Beautiful magazine.

Samsonite Flaire Ad, 1959

25 Aug 2011 153
Bob economizes by giving Carol and Alice their pre-Xmas gifts in a single box. Live the dream, Bob. From the November issue of Sunset magazine.

West Coast Lumber Ad, 1957

20 Jul 2018 173
Like any gentleman of the day, he didn't ask her to fondle his sound system until after they were married. From the March issue of Sunset magazine.

Formica Ad, 1952

21 Aug 2011 167
Up top, we can also see the world's biggest napkin ring and something vaguely mutant frog-ish. Ah, Fifties... never change!

Western Pacific Paneling Ad, 1959

01 Sep 2011 175
Outsiders could never understand: You need flaming electric orange paneling in the Pacific Northwest, because it's dark and wet nine months out of the freaking year! From the March issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazine.

Briggs Fixtures Ad, 1950

29 Aug 2011 157
I feel like there's not enough plaid in my life. How about you? From the December issue of Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

Leather Furniture Ad, c1955

01 Sep 2011 203
I love the tacit admission that 2 out of 3 men will be sleeping at their desks, while the other one will be off at the gymnasium. Happy Labor Day, America!

Lane Cedar Chest Ad, 1955

05 Sep 2011 152
When you want to break it gently to Mom and Dad that they can forget about grandchildren, just ask for a piece of snowy-white furniture! They'll take the hint. From the December issue of Better Homes & Gardens magazines.

Eames Plastic Chair Ad, c1959

22 Oct 2011 151
I'm pretty sure the desert was for sale to somebody. The sellers just didn't advertise in non-trade publications. From Sunset magazine.

King-Size Samsonite Ad, c1959

23 Oct 2011 137
Yeah, yeah. Laugh at her, while you use your alter ego's giant scepter to mess up her concentration. You'll be bedding down alone tonight, on two of those chairs, Jerk.

Vina Lux Floor Ad, 1959

04 Sep 2011 192
Only Commies would doubt the wholesomeness and magical properties of asbestos! From the November issue of Sunset magazine.

Universal Atlas Cement Ad, 1958

28 Jan 2012 141
"Made of PORTLAND and special cements. Universal Atlas Cement: A Division of United States Steel!" Vince Lombardi High School, in those halcyon days before the Apocalypse.

Hermosa Tile Ad, 1952

28 Feb 2012 187
Dig that Leap Day kitchen! From Sunset magazine.

Formica Ad, c1952

09 Mar 2012 152
February ran its course, but I still have all this heart-related stuff that I never got around to posting! [sulks] One side of a promotional fold-out/mailer.

74 items in total