Looks stormy but it was the opposite


12 Dec 2021

3 favorites

1 comment

121 visits

Looks stormy but it was the opposite

Clouds make a good sunset.

12 Dec 2021

7 favorites

119 visits

It seems like smoke on fire......

.......rather than fire with smoke.

18 Dec 2021

4 favorites


125 visits

Winter Sunset

The light was fabulous - did not last for long, nevertheless spectacular.

12 Jan 2022

86 visits

Sunset 4

12 Jan 2022

1 favorite

1 comment

99 visits

Sunset 5

12 Jan 2022

1 favorite

88 visits

Sunset 3

12 Jan 2022

2 favorites

93 visits

Sunset (1) over Newcastle upon Tyne NE England

This and the follow photos are a few of the wonderful sunsets we have seen over Newcastle upon Tyne, NE England this winter.

12 Jan 2022

1 favorite

90 visits

Sunset 2