Special Treat

Special Treats

Sweet treats, and savory canapes, too. Help yourself from the *special* heart-shaped tray. Just make sure that your hands are clean. ;)

13 Jan 2019

7 favorites


232 visits

Special Treat

A little of that patchwork quilt-type action. :) Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2665 X 5000 pixels. See one original source here .

06 Feb 2019

7 favorites

334 visits

Special Treat 2

That slight jagged (or torn) effect comes from a copied layer of the "Plaster" filter in black and white. It was tucked beneath the hearts and knives and then shifted slightly off-register. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2100 X 1500 pixels. See one original source here .

15 Apr 2019

8 favorites


357 visits

Special Treat 3

Bowties? Butterflies? Hearts? Hourglasses? Whatever. They used to be the handles of silverware. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3480 X 3146 pixels. See one original source here .

12 Jul 2019

3 favorites


243 visits

Special Treat 4

Well, it was almost completed before July ended. :P Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3150 X 1950 pixels. See one original source here .

16 Dec 2019

5 favorites


263 visits

Special Treat 5

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 1800 X 2550 pixels.

26 Apr 2020

6 favorites


228 visits

Special Treat 6

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3075 X 5198 pixels. See one original source here .

14 Feb 2021

7 favorites


196 visits

Special Treat 7

It's not late for 2021. It's early for 2022! :D Shown smaller than the original completed size of 6500 X 3549 pixels.

15 Jun 2021

12 favorites


208 visits

Special Treat 8

Dessert is a week late, so it's marked down 50% ! Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3150 X 3150 pixels. See one original source here .

26 Apr 2020

17 favorites


219 visits

Special Treat 9

My dad was an artist and would always try to make us whatever costume we wanted for Trick Or Treating. Nothing this elaborate, though. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3202 X 5000 pixels.
10 items in total