Day Sleeper 3

Day Sleepers & Double Crosses...

...And some other items where gray usually wins the day. :) Enjoy.

15 May 2018

5 favorites

247 visits

Day Sleeper

Really getting my money's worth out of that frame shape. :D Shown smaller than original finished size of 1065 X 1065. See one original source here .

09 Dec 2018

7 favorites


277 visits

Day Sleeper 2

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3150 X 2550 pixels. See one original source here .

22 Jul 2019

8 favorites


260 visits

Day Sleeper 3

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2475 X 2100 pixels. See one original source here .

31 Mar 2018

13 favorites


266 visits

Day Sleeper 4

Yeah, I drank too much cherry cough syrup and had the 1950s M.O.M.A. dream again. ;) Shown smaller than the original completed size of 4000 X 4000 pixels. See one original source here .

09 Dec 2020

10 favorites


173 visits

Day Sleeper 5

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 1800 X 1800 pixels. See one original source here .

04 Dec 2018

6 favorites


155 visits

Day Sleeper 6

Working at smaller sizes than normal right now, due to lack of computer space. As with most things, fixing that is taking longer than it should. :/ Shown smaller than the original size of 1800 X 1283 pixels. See one original source here .

18 Sep 2022

7 favorites


167 visits

Day Sleeper 7

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2075 X 2670 pixels.

13 Apr 2018

2 favorites

327 visits

Double Cross

I'm foolishly in love with the tiny embossed doll-head stamps. :) Original size: 1000 X 750 pixels. One of several sources is here .

03 May 2018

3 favorites

206 visits

Double Cross 2

An appropriate title, since "message" pieces always make my eyes cross for hours after completion. So naturally I had to do two of them in a row. :P Original completed size: 4724 X 3543 pixels. Shown smaller than that. Here's one of the original sources.
19 items in total