Angel Pie

Angels & Buzzards

Baked goods... so beautiful... so deadly... ;)

30 Sep 2019

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240 visits

Angel Pie 10

Hello again! I'm sorry I've been gone for weeks. First, my tired old laptop perished. So I had to replace it. Then, I accidentally locked myself out of this account! But the ipernity mods got me through that. So now I'm back. I missed you! Anyway... Shown smaller than the original completed size of 4800 X 2764 pixels. See one original source here .

01 Dec 2019

2 favorites

198 visits

Buzzard's Bake Shop 10

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 4800 X 3024 pixels. See one original source here .

14 Aug 2020

7 favorites


195 visits

Angel Pie 11

Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3194 X 5000 pixels. See one original source here .

30 Jan 2020

6 favorites


196 visits

Buzzard's Bake Shop 11

That inverted text down below really does want to reassure U.S. cake makers that, no, there isn't "a witch in the oven." ( Women's Home Companion Cook Book , 1942. Or is it 1249? :o ) Shown smaller than the original completed size of 4000 X 3360 pixels. See another original source here .

13 Aug 2020

8 favorites


170 visits

Angel Pie 12

Have I ever tried to "paint" rain before? Well, it's pretty good for a first try, I think. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2400 X 3600 pixels. See one original source here .

19 Mar 2021

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177 visits

Buzzard's Bake Shop 12

These cakes were only a few pages apart in the same glossy 1950s cake mix how-to. I dreamed for over 20 years of putting them together. I can't believe it's finally happened. :D Shown smaller than the original completed size of 3525 X 3675 pixels.

14 Jun 2022

15 favorites


235 visits

Angel Pie 13

This is the first collage I've made which has a scanned scrap of actual wood veneer in it. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2835 X 3750. The bust of Saint Juliana is from Italy, c1476, clipped from a Metropolitan Museum of Art catalog.

26 Jun 2022

7 favorites


168 visits

Buzzard's Bake Shop 13

It's great when working on a picture teaches you something new. I learned that you can use fruitcake to decorate with, even if you'd never want to eat it. Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2010 X 1635 pixels.

27 Feb 2023

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132 visits

Angel Pie 14

This background began as a simple Color Halftone filter. It gradually evolved into this candy-ish look which might suggest "Birthday Cake frosting" if you live in the U.S. For those elsewhere, that would just be a white icing with colored sprinkles mixed into it. I've never eaten it, but the colors always draw my attention when I'm shopping. So... Shown smaller than the original completed size of 2070 X 3510 pixels. See one original source here .
28 items in total