ATC "Odd Hat 5"

ATCs: December 2008/April 2011

Some more original cards and Photoshop alterations. Newer and bigger works coming soon, I hope!

ATC "Odd Hat 5"

31 Mar 2011 332
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Odd Hat 5" (ex)

31 Mar 2011 342
The background filter is "Texture: Mosaic Tiles," run while the card was turned at a 45 degree angle. The types and breakfast are different percentages and modes of "Sketch: Bas Relief." Other small changes and corrections.

ATC "Olivehead 11"

05 Mar 2011 281
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Olivehead 11" (ex)

05 Mar 2011 304
All the elements apart from the type were worked in various versions of the "Artistic: Paint Daubs" filter. Some brushwork and color changes on the gown, along with other minor adjustments.

ATC "Double 3"

03 Apr 2011 298
Collage and decollage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Double 3" (ex)

03 Apr 2011 324
The "figure" and background each have different settings and modes of "Artistic: Film Grain." The Eraser tool was used at 50%-- to expose portions of the original image in the layer below. Other minor touch-ups, plus a thin line of Stroke on the outside of the comp.

ATC "Ice Cream 2"*

04 Apr 2011 272
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Ice Cream 2" (*ex)

04 Apr 2011 284
Mostly a combination of two filters: "Artistic: Watercolor" (top, 70%, Lighten Mode) and "Sketch: Water Paper" (bottom, 100%). The figure and can have touches of the "Artistic: Watercolor" in Darken mode. Other tools (spray brush, eraser, et al) and corrections.

ATC "Budgie 4"*

30 Mar 2011 313
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Budgie 4" (*ex)

30 Mar 2011 288
A medium-sized setting of the "Pixelate: Crystalize" filter was used in Difference Mode at medium-high opacity, over a plain duplicate below. The texture is from a spray-style brush faded in Color Burn mode. Other miscellaneous changes.

ATC "Casserole 2"

04 Apr 2011 174
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Casserole 2" (ex)

04 Apr 2011 437
Mostly "Stylize: Glowing Edges," run at about 80% opacity in Difference mode over an unaltered layer. The inside of the dish is a 50% layer of "Artistic: Paint Daubs" in Color Dodge mode over a layer of "Texture: Stained Glass." Other touch-ups and corrections.

ATC "Idiot"

09 Apr 2011 364
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Idiot" (ex)

09 Apr 2011 335
Background is a blend of "Blur: Radial Blur" at a low setting with the Zoom option, and "Texture: Patchwork," run while card was tipped at a 45-degree angle. The set and type were run at different settings of "Distort: Shear." The main layer of paint circles have some "Artistic: Dry Brush." Other assorted changes and touch-ups.

ATC "Gravity"

10 Apr 2011 380
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Gravity" (ex)

10 Apr 2011 382
The top layer is "Stylize: Trace Contour." Under that, the figure and circles have a high percentage of "Artistic: Dry Brush." The rest is a plain layer with high percentages of "Brushstrokes: Sumi-E" and "Sketch: Reticulation" layers over it. The Erase tool was used to blend them together. Other touch-ups.

ATC "Moody"

10 Apr 2011 372
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Moody" (ex)

10 Apr 2011 374
Two different workings of "Artistic: Dry Brush," at low-to-medium opacity over the original image. The hair also has some "Artistic: Colored Pencil" and the face has a few touches of Liquify. Other small changes.

60 items in total