ATC "Casserole"

ATCs: December 2008/March 2011

A new set of Photoshop experiments done with an older, previously unposted set of Artist Trading Cards. Fun to make and even more fun to alter!

ATC "Casserole"

02 Mar 2011 1 238
Collage on board. Previously unposted. This All-American gourmet delight looked plenty hellish on its own, but naturally I had to take it a step or two further...

ATC "Casserole" (ex)

02 Mar 2011 1 359
Collage on board, modified in Photoshop on 2/28/11. The texture in the cheezy goo is "Distort: Ocean Ripple." The dish and plate are "Noise: Add Noise." There's also some cut-and-paste and use of Transform.

ATC "Bubblehead 5"

03 Mar 2011 264
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Bubblehead 5" (ex)

03 Mar 2011 301
"Hear my testimony, O Holy Chicken, Bringer of Light!" Filter is "Render: Lens Flare." Other minor touch-ups.

ATC "Heart"

04 Mar 2011 289
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Heart" (ex)

04 Mar 2011 286
Three filters at work: "Pixellate: Mezzotint" run in "Saturate" mode on the background. "Smart Blur" for the hearts and type. "Noise: Dust & Scratches" run in "Darken" mode on the faces. Other touch-ups.

ATC "Go Fish"

04 Mar 2011 268
Collage and decollage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Go Fish" (ex)

04 Mar 2011 241
Three main filters at work here: "Distort: Polar Coordinates", run at half-strength in the background (using the "Difference" mode). The spheres and fish up front were run through "Artistic: Plastic Wrap" using the "Hard Mix" mode. Other miscellaneous corrections.

ATC "Thinker"

02 Mar 2011 265
Collage on board. Previously unpublished. I was tempted to title it, "You Were Always On My Mind," but compositions shouldn't have titles that are bigger than they are. ;)

"ATC "Thinker"

02 Mar 2011 254
The background is "Stylize: Emboss," added on as its own duplicate, medium-opacity layer. The clock faces have a low concentration of "Pixelate: Color Halftone" in Lighten mode. Other minor touch-ups and corrections to the lady and her friends.

ATC "Gift"

06 Mar 2011 271
Collage and colored pencil on board. Previously unposted. There are thin lines of exposed board between the sections of "paint" in the background. I decided to add the human figure after that, hence the line running down his back.

ATC "Gift" (ex)

06 Mar 2011 264
The four paint sections got a medium amount of the "Artistic: Poster Edges" filter. The "canvas" square has "Sharpen" cranked up high in the "Soft Light" mode. The cake, fork, and figure have a medium amount of the "Artistic: Cutout" filter. Other minor clean-up and adjustments, especially to the type.

ATC "Olivehead 9"

05 Mar 2011 1 281
Collage on board. Previously uposted.

ATC "Olivehead 9" (ex)

05 Mar 2011 268
Background is the "Sketch: Conte Crayon" in black and white, at 50%. The television screen is "Sketch: Halftone Pattern: Lines." Other misc. touch-ups.

ATC "Dolly"

07 Mar 2011 269
Collage on board. Previously unposted.

ATC "Dolly" (ex)

07 Mar 2011 255
Cut/Copy/Paste redid the background and made the "family," along with Transform. The main filter is "Sketch: Chrome" in two different percentages and modes. The background also has a very low percentage of "Pixelate: Color Halftone." Plus there's some brushwork around the "kids," and some corrections.

ATC "Pie Eye"

08 Mar 2011 322
Collage on board. Previously unpublished. I can't remember what the map depicts. (Washington State, maybe?)

ATC "Pie Eye" (ex)

08 Mar 2011 452
Everything in the center of the comp got various settings and modes of the "Artistic: Dry Brush" filter. Except the eyebrow, which has "Artistic: Colored Pencil." The background is brightened up with "Command:U." The borders are "Sketch: Color Halftone" in pink and blue lines with the "Saturation" mode. The forks are the same, except with dots and the "Overlay" mode. The eye and brow were also worked with Free Transform. Other assorted corrections.

66 items in total