Nin - Saint Nicholas


All fotos were taken during two trips to Croatia.
I travelled along the coast from Pag to Dubrovnik in
April 2008 and again in October 2012.

Šibenik - Cathedral of St. James

01 Oct 2012 1 194
Sibenik has a long history and was given the status of a town in 1167 from Stephen III of Hungary. From 1412 to 1797 Sibenik was part Republic of Venice. In 1895 the first power plant, planned by Nikola Tesla, started operation, making Sibenik to one of the first towns in Croatia, which were illuminated by electricity. The erection of the "Katedrala sv. Jakova" began in 1431, when the older Romanesque cathedral was transformed. It was completed in 1536 and is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. The first master, who worked here, was Zadar born Giorgio da Sebenico (aka "Juraj Dalmatinac"), born in Zadar. The work was completed by Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino (aka "Nicolas of Florence"). Either this person once blew (like Dizzy Gillespie) a trumpet, that got lost. Or - he suffers from mumps.

Šibenik - Cathedral of St. James

01 Oct 2012 1 265
Sibenik has a long history and was given the status of a town in 1167 from Stephen III of Hungary. From 1412 to 1797 Sibenik was part Republic of Venice. In 1895 the first power plant, planned by Nikola Tesla, started operation, making Sibenik to one of the first towns in Croatia, which were illuminated by electricity. The erection of the "Katedrala sv. Jakova" began in 1431, when the older Romanesque cathedral was transformed. It was completed in 1536 and is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. The first master, who worked here, was Zadar born Giorgio da Sebenico (aka "Juraj Dalmatinac"), born in Zadar. The work was completed by Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino (aka "Nicolas of Florence").

Šibenik - Cathedral of St. James

01 Oct 2012 175
Sibenik has a long history and was given the status of a town in 1167 from Stephen III of Hungary. From 1412 to 1797 Sibenik was part Republic of Venice. In 1895 the first power plant, planned by Nikola Tesla, started operation, making Sibenik to one of the first towns in Croatia, which were illuminated by electricity. The erection of the "Katedrala sv. Jakova" began in 1431, when the older Romanesque cathedral was transformed. It was completed in 1536 and is a masterpiece of Renaissance architecture. The first master, who worked here, was Zadar born Giorgio da Sebenico (aka "Juraj Dalmatinac"), born in Zadar. The work was completed by Niccolò di Giovanni Fiorentino (aka "Nicolas of Florence"). A large amount of incense must have been burnt during the High Mass..


22 Apr 2008 104
Street Cafe facing the cathedral


01 Apr 2008 138
..the Kornati Islands on the horizont...


01 Oct 2012 1 121
Even the coast of the Adriatic Sea knows bleak weather in autumn.


23 Apr 2008 108
.. had breakfast near Primosten..


23 Apr 2008 144
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of the town. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. The Napoleonic kingdom of Italy stretched over the Adriatic Sea from 1806 to 1814 - following that period upto 1918 Trogir was part of the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by city walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".


01 Apr 2008 95
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of the town. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. The Napoleonic kingdom of Italy stretched over the Adriatic Sea from 1806 to 1814 - following that period upto 1918 Trogir was part of the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by city walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".

Trogir - Kamerlengo

01 Apr 2008 1 178
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while Dalmatia was part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir belonged to the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Situated just outside the walls is the Kamerlengo Castle ("Gradina Kamerlengo") built by the Republic of Venice in the mid-15th. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".


01 Oct 2012 159
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while Dalmatia was part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir belonged to the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site".


01 Apr 2008 176
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while Dalmatia was part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir belonged to the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". Standing on the veranda of the 15th century city hall, just opposite the Cathedral of St. Lawrence.


23 Apr 2008 90
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while it belonged to the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir was part of the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. ..looking onto the city-loggia from the steeple of St.Lawrence..


23 Apr 2008 105
The wooden window frame of the shop seems to be newer than the nine men's morris carved into the stone.

Trogir - Cathedral of St. Lawrence

01 Apr 2008 131
..the phantastique portal to the Cathedral of St. Lawrence in Trogir. A masterpiece. Carved by Master Radovan in 1240. Like his collegue Gislebertus (in Autun) Radovan signed the portal with his name.


01 Apr 2008 100
..on a quiet evening...

Trogir - Cathedral of St. Lawrence

01 Oct 2012 1 213
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while Dalmatia was part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir belonged to the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". The Cathedral of St. Lawrence ("Katedrala Sv. Lovre"), seen from the loggia of the City Hall. The cathedral was erected from 1213 on the foundations of cathedral destroyed by the Saracens in 1123. Most of the work was done in the 13th century. The work on the bell tower began end of the 14th century, but it was not completed until the end of the 16th century. This cathedral is a jewel! It is worth a trip - and world wide known for Master Radovan´s portal.

Trogir - Cathedral of St. Lawrence

01 Oct 2012 1 141
Trogir was founded by Greek colonists in the 3rd century BC. In Roman times this was an important harbour town. From the 9th century on Trogir was under Croatian rule and later part of the Byzantine empire. A diocese was established in the 11th century, in 1107 the Hungarian-Croatian King Coloman ("The Bookish", "Kálmán Könyves") granted the autonomy. Saracen troops conquered Trogir in 1123 and demolished most of it. From 1420 upto 1797 Trogir belonged to the Republic of Venice. For a short while Dalmatia was part of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy, but upto 1918 Trogir belonged to the Habsburg Empire. Trogir is more than 2000 years old. It grew under the influence of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, and the Venetians... Trogir's medieval core, surrounded by walls, comprises (about 10) churches, houses and palaces from the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque periods. Since 1997 the centre of Trogir is a "UNESCO World Heritage Site". The Cathedral of St. Lawrence was erected from 1213 on the foundations of cathedral destroyed by the Saracens in 1123. Most of the work was done in the 13th century. This cathedral is world wide known for Master Radovan´s portal seen here. The portal was carved by the local architect and sculptor Master Radovan (and his workshop). It was completed and signed by Radovan in 1240.

138 items in total