Reschensee - Bell Tower

Trentino-Suedtirol / Trentino-Alto Adige

Photos taken in Trentino-Suedtirol / South Tyrol

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 2 287
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Seen in the backdrop are the "Dolomiti del Brenta". This little church is open for visitors even in March! Grazie!!

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 2 1 284
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of them still exist - and are dated to 1210. This church is open for visitors even in March! Grazie!!

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 288
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of them still exist - and are dated to 1210. This church is open for visitors even in March! Grazie!!

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 1 261
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of the frescoes (dated ti 1210) still exist. The frescoes are Here is the Nativity. This church is open for visitors even in March! Grazie!!

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 1 244
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of the frescoes (dated to 1210) still exist. Here are the Magi approaching Bethlehem (Mary´s blanket is seen above them). On the right is a crippled beggar (and St. Martin?). The cripple uses a small stool-like crutch, that can often be seen in medieval times. This church is open for visitors even in March! Grazie!!

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 223
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of the frescoes (dated to 1210) still exist. The Descent from the Cross. The person to the left could be Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea (or Nicodemus) holds the body (near the chest), followed by John the Apostle and Mary. Matthew 27:57-58 "As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him." John 19:38-39 "Later, Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. Now Joseph was a disciple of Jesus, but secretly because he feared the Jewish leaders. With Pilate’s permission, he came and took the body away. He was accompanied by Nicodemus, the man who earlier had visited Jesus at night.."

Romeno - Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso

01 Mar 2014 1 306
Romeno is a small village in the Val di Non. The small church, outside the village, is surrounded by orchards. It may date back to the 8th century, though it was mentioned first time in 1187. Soon after the interior walls of Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso were adorned with murals. Some of the frescoes (dated to 1210) still exist. This huge baptismal font (diam. 1,30m) placed near the entrance. is dated 12th century. Following the information given here, it was moved to Santi Bartolomeo e Tommaso from the local parish church in 1773. At that time Romano´s parish got a new, trendy, baroque baptismal font.

Sanzeno - Basilica dei Santi Martiri

01 Mar 2014 228
This chapel seen here is part of the large "Basilica dei Santi Martiri" erected between 1480 and 1542. The chapel is much older actually, obviously the basilica was built around it. Three christian missionaries from Cappadocian named Sisinnio, Martirio and Alessandro got martyred here in May 397. Their ashes are kept and venerated here by pilgrims. The murals seen here are dated to the 12th century.

Naturns - St. Prokulus

01 Oct 2016 1 171
I had been in Naturns twice before. The first time was in March, when the chapel and the museum were still closed (winter!), the second time was some years later in May on a monday... - So this time, I could see the frescoes inside the chapel, that is known here since around 650. Some walls of the nave survived, when the church underwent a major reconstruction within the 10th and 11th century. During the restoration in 1923 early medieval wall (pre-Carolingian) paintings were discovered under plaster and Gothic murals. St. Prokulus was Bishop of Verona within the 4th century. The legend tells, that during the Diocletian persecution had to flee from the city. The fresco seen here, often reffered to as the “Schaukler” (swinger), may depict, how Prokulus is lowered down the city walls of Verona using ropes.

Naturns - St. Prokulus

01 Oct 2016 1 1 165
I had been in Naturns twice before. The first time was in March, when the chapel and the museum were still closed (winter!), the second time was some years later in May on a monday... So this time, I could see the frescoes inside the chapel, that is known here since around 650. Some walls of the nave survived, when the church underwent a major reconstruction within the 10th and 11th century. During the restoration in 1923 early medieval wall (pre-Carolingian) paintings were discovered under plaster and Gothic murals. St. Prokulus was Bishop of Verona within the 4th century. The legend tells, that during the Diocletian persecution had to flee from the city. The fresco seen here, often reffered to as the “Schaukler” (swinger), may depict, how Prokulus is lowered down the city walls of Verona using ropes.

Naturns - St. Prokulus

01 Oct 2016 2 1 180
I had been in Naturns twice before. The first time was in March, when the chapel and the museum were still closed (winter!), the second time was some years later in May on a monday... So this time, I could see the frescoes inside the chapel, that is known here since around 650. Some walls of the nave survived, when the church underwent a major reconstruction within the 10th and 11th century. During the restoration in 1923 early medieval wall (pre-Carolingian) paintings were discovered under plaster and Gothic murals. Here is a detail. A absolutely perfect sketch with just a few strokes of the brush.

Naturns - St. Prokulus

01 Oct 2016 175
I had been in Naturns twice before. The first time was in March, when the chapel and the museum were still closed (winter!), the second time was some years later in May on a monday... So this time, I could see the frescoes inside the chapel, that is known here since around 650. Some walls of the nave survived, when the church underwent a major reconstruction within the 10th and 11th century. During the restoration in 1923 early medieval wall (pre-Carolingian) paintings were discovered under plaster and Gothic murals. An angel, watching St. Prokulus, Bishop of Verona within the 4th century, leaving the city during the Diocletian persecution. The murals are often compared to The "holes" were created by the artists of the Gothic period. The holes were needed to fix the fresh plaster on the wall, so that the artists could paint on it.

Naturns - St. Prokulus

01 Oct 2016 182
I had been in Naturns twice before. The first time was in March, when the chapel and the museum were still closed (winter!), the second time was some years later in May on a monday... So this time, I could see the frescoes inside the chapel, that is known here since around 650. Some walls of the nave survived, when the church underwent a major reconstruction within the 10th and 11th century. During the restoration in 1923 early medieval wall (pre-Carolingian) paintings were discovered under plaster and Gothic murals. St. Prokulus was Bishop of Verona within the 4th century. The legend tells, that during the Diocletian persecution had to flee from the city. He was the patron saint for live stock, so it is no surprise to see so much cattle here (sometimes reffered to as "Procession of Cattle"). To the very right is a (herding) dog.

Sanzeno - Basilica dei Santi Martiri

01 Mar 2014 1 275
This chapel seen here is part of the large "Basilica dei Santi Martiri" erected between 1480 and 1542. The chapel is much older actually, obviously the basilica was built around it. Three christian missionaries from Cappadocian named Sisinnio, Martirio and Alessandro got martyred here in May 397. Their ashes are kept and venerated in the chapel by pilgrims. The murals seen here are dated to the 12th century. Here are the three martyrs on their way into heaven.

Laag - St. Florian

01 Mar 2014 2 2 241
The little romanesque chapel, placed on the road between Neumarkt and Salurn, was once part of a larger pilgrim hospice. The nave is dated into the 12th century, the apse may have been erected around 1250. Here are some informations (in German):

Lake Garda

01 Jun 2015 242
The town "Riva del Garda", partly seen here, belonged to Austria up to WWI. Today the northern end of Lake Garda is part of "South Tyrol", while the southern end belongs to the Lombardy. In 1856 the "Battle of Solferino" was fought near the southern end. The allied French Army under Napoleon III and Sardinian Army under Victor Emmanuel II defeated the Austrian Army under Emperor Franz Joseph I. When Swiss businessman Henry Dunant arrived at the battlefield he was shocked to see thousands of wounded, dying and dead troops. He wrote down his memories in the book "A Memory of Solferino" which not only inspired the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863, but as well the First Geneva Convention a year later.

Lake Garda

01 Jun 2015 1 2 183
In the late afternoon all the little sailing boats are taken home again, where the mother awaits them, to put them to bed.. This reminds me a bit on to the Johnny Cash´s "..the Father then will call his chickens home.."

53 items in total