Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

Woodruff Electric Cooperative

A Album of pictures of poles on Woodruff Electric Cooperative grid.

21 Dec 2014

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858 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

Just a shot of the Sunset and Transformer Pole. Barely made it back form the store to get this shot of the sunset and pole.

21 Dec 2014

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785 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

A nether shot of the same old Transformer Pole that you see every time I got down to Arkansas.

21 Dec 2014

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883 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

This is the only time of the year I could a picture this pole at this angle. I had to stand where normal there are crops.

21 Dec 2014

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641 visits

Perkins Lane

It was so dark and gloomy today... Although it's the winter time. I might have a better camera next time I'm in Arkansas, but I think this one came out nice.

21 Dec 2014

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696 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

The same old Transformer Pole that you see every time I got down to Arkansas. Just a better shot.

21 Dec 2014

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670 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

Just old Pole Tags on the Transformer Pole that feeds my Great Grandmother's house.

21 Dec 2014

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654 visits

Woodruff Electric Cooperative - Lee County, Arkansas

Just old Pole Tags on the Transformer Pole that feeds my Great Grandmother's house.