Jim O'Neil's photos

It''s a good thing.

05 Feb 2010 112
I don't know if it was me otr the model channeling Martha Stewart, but her smile made me think of doing it this way... Ink on 11" X 14" sketch paper

and 22 skeedoo!

05 Feb 2010 84
Charcoal & crayon on 11" X 14" sketch paper


05 Feb 2010 105
Charcoal on 11" X 14" sketch paper

Before the storm

05 Feb 2010 101
Charcoal on 11" X 14" sketch paper

3 minute pose

05 Feb 2010 112
Ink on 11" X 14" sketch paper

2 minute poses

05 Feb 2010 120
Ink on 11" X 14" sketch paper

Road to the house

04 Feb 2010 110
Down among the trees

Tree tops

04 Feb 2010 122
Every day the sun's up a little longer, up a little higher and seems a lot brighter!

Frosty Morn

02 Feb 2010 100
Cran D'Arche Neocolor II crayons and soft pastel on colored, 12" X 12", paper

Blooming log!

02 Feb 2010 101
Yep, it is still twenty degrees below zero outside but here in the house, one of the logs in my wood box, next to the stove, thinks that it's spring! Darn camera, if I don't stop lookin' and snapin'. I ain't gonna get any work done today! :-)

Must still be a mountain in the way

02 Feb 2010 109
This skinny guy isn't as lit by the sun as the trees around him yet. I expect Mount Debora is in the way!

Hour after sunrise

02 Feb 2010 89
It's still -20° out but the sun's risen high enough to clear the mountain tops and highlight the trees!

First light

02 Feb 2010 83
It's -20°(-29°C.) this morning and the sun rose at 9:32. officially (that's above the horizon). Actually it takes a but longer to get up, after it clears the horizon it need clime a mountain range some 80 miles to the south, then above the near trees before I can see it. This shot was taken some 10-15 minutes after sunrise and you can see the sunlight just touching the top of this cottonwood tree. I did slip on a coat before going out to take this, but mainly to keep the camera warm enough to work. :-)

Still white

02 Feb 2010 111
The tall cottonwood behind the spruce still is wearing a nice white jacket of frost and snow. As the days get longer and warmer, soon the sun will burn off that coating.

Howling at the noon

01 Feb 2010 94
WIP, I'm still not quite sure where I'm going to go with this, but I'm enjoying working on it! acrylic on 22" X 23 1/2" wood panel.


31 Jan 2010 103
Playing with colors again. This is watercolor, water soluble crayons and water soluble markers on washi, hand made, very absorbent, Japanese paper.

light reading

31 Jan 2010 107
Lectern, podium, _____ ? I can't think of the word right now but I've two of these. One holds a 20 pound dictionary that's always open and referred to often. This one my son carved for me, with a chain saw, out of a cottonwood log. When he carved it the wood was still green and heavy ! Now it's dried and surprisingly light. This one usually has the book of the moment sitting on it, something I happen to be interested in but not something to sit down and read. For example the surrealist book that was on the shelf in an earlier picture is on the lectern now.

Early frost, a tragedy

30 Jan 2010 129
Think about a wine. Then think about a vineyard. Think about an early frost... sumi-e, ink on 'rice' paper. approx. 12" X 12"

5038 items in total