Jim O'Neil's photos

summer dreamin'

21 Mar 2010 117
Watercolors on acetate (clear, transparent) against a blue (paper) background.

Sunset over black spruce

19 Mar 2010 123
To date this is the painting I am happiest with in my ongoing experiment of using acetate as a ground. Children's marker on acetate against a white background.


18 Mar 2010 120
Still playing with markers on acetate.

on acetate

18 Mar 2010 123
Using children's Crayola markers, I sketched the image on acetate, clear plastic, and then photographed it against different colored backgrounds. Hey, I found it interesting! -grin- 81/2" X 11"

Sunset over Chena Ridge

18 Mar 2010 109
A quick sketch that I may want to use for a larger painting later. The sunrise/sunsets up here can be amazing in that the sun moves slowly across the horizon instead of dipping quickly out of sight. Subsequently we'll often have a gold or rose bar of light stretching well over 180 degrees around the horizon!! Ink and Caran D'Ache Neocolor II crayons on 6" X 9" 140 pound watercolor paper.

Before and after

15 Mar 2010 121
Ah March! The time of year to shave off the winter beard, cut the hair (what there is of it) and face on coming summer with a smile on my bare face and a song in my heart! I am more than willing to post the good and the bad here on Flickr, -but I do try to keep the ugly posts, pictures of myself, to a minimum. :-) Oh yea, I did mess up my hair (singular?) and beard more than normal especially for the photo.

Kumikosan in Wonderland

14 Mar 2010 128
Ya take a little old lady, excuse me, I mean mature woman, from a poor underdeveloped country like Japan and show her a big boomin' city like North Pole, Alaska, -she just goes crazy, I mean absolutely crazy!! Can't ya just feel all the excitement she's emoting? -GRIN- Colored pencil on 12" X 12" colored stock

wonder who's been walkin'

13 Mar 2010 105
I wonder who has been walking on my trail? The big footprints to the right are mine and Kumikosan's, old rabbit tracks on the left, but the bare, four toed, prints in the middle?

life session 11 Mar 2010

12 Mar 2010 162
From last night's life drawing session. Ink and Caran D'Ache water soluble crayons on 14" X 17" sketch paper.


11 Mar 2010 109
The world as seen from the day after tomorrow.... Colored pencil. oil pastel and marker on 12" X 12" colored paper.



09 Mar 2010 115
Hum. I guess I'm in a rather odd mood tonight. Watercolor on 11" X 17" cold press, 140 lb.


08 Mar 2010 116
Lately, for some reason, I've been thinking about a friend of mine from my NYC days, whom I long ago lost contact with, Bruno Eckhart. He grew up in Germany during WW II and the aftermath. His paintings strongly reflected his background and he was, very strongly, anti war. Today I happened to visit krikl's photostream and his "still life of mass murder" set. My Japanes friend, Kumiko, is strongly pacifist, as I'd expect from someone who grew up an hour or so away from Hiroshima. None the less there are obviously times when men of good will must stand together and stop, by any means possible the actions of madmen and fanatics. Subsequently thanks to my damn friend Bruno and damn stefan kriki, and damn Kumiko, I had to toss watercolors like oils and emote this piece to express a little that which I can't really put in to words! Watercolor on 140 pound 11" X 15" cold press, photographed while paint was still wet.

At daybreak

07 Mar 2010 88
mixed media, colored marker, colored pencil and soft pastel on 12" X 12" colored stock


07 Mar 2010 80
marker on scrap paper.

Morning moose

06 Mar 2010 106
OK, The moose figured out how to pull off the plastic on my greenhouse (around the corner) and is happily nibbling the plants still therein from last summer. Oh well, a little more work for me, come spring, rebuilding it.

The last dance

06 Mar 2010 88
colored markers on 12" X 12" colored stock.


05 Mar 2010 106
It don't mean a thang marker & colored pencil on colored stock.

5038 items in total