NHM Thomas hardwicke drawing collection circa 1832 DSC 5411

Musuems, galleries and the like

NHM Thomas hardwicke drawing collection circa 1832…

27 Jul 2019 2 1 178
An illustration of a (conspicuously male) fruit bat from the drawing collection of the Natural History Museum, London, Thomas Hardwicke collection, approx, 1832

nhm-dodo DSC 5463-2

27 Jul 2019 3 1 153
A Dodo, Natural History Museum, London. In actual fact it is a "collage" made from parts of several different species of bird to represent what the taxidermist thought a dodo should look like.

nat hist mus neanderthal axe DSC 5358 2

27 Jul 2019 149
The Furze Platt hand axe, a massive Neanderthal tool, Natural History Museum, London, 2019. 30 cm long, was found near Maidenhead, UK.

nhm-darwins octopus DSC 5408

27 Jul 2019 145
Darwin's octopus, Spirit Rooms, Natural History Museum, London (2019). The museum had a vast collection of specimens assembled since the nineteenth century. This, a preserved octopus, was collected by Charles Darwin. In his journals, which eventually became the book "Voyage of the Beagle", Darwin records his excitement at seeing an octopus change colour, and wrote back to his teacher, Henslow, in Cambridge, that he thought he had made a "discovery". Henslow, very tactfully, wrote back to tell Darwin that the ability of octopuses to change colour had been known for an extremely long time. Undaunted by this setback, the young Darwin went on to make a few more "discoveries".

nhm tank of giant squid DSC 5403

27 Jul 2019 163
A preserved giant squid in a tank, Natural History Museum, London, 2019. This is on display in the spirit rooms, and you have to pay extra to visit, but it is well worth it just to see the giant squid. It is difficult to visualize in a photograph, but the size of the tank gives some idea of how big it is.

nhm pterodon DSC 5457

27 Jul 2019 1 1 165
A Pterodon, Natural History Museum, London, 2019. This would have been a stunning sight when alive.

NHM nautilus preserved DSC 5401

27 Jul 2019 141
A pickled nautilus, Natural History Museum, London, 2019

NHM t rex model lifesize DSC 5468

27 Jul 2019 1 2 170
A fierce looking Tyrannosaurus rex (are there any other kinds?) A life size model in the Natural History Museum London (2019). The Natural History Museum was established by Richard Owen in the 19th century, who coined the word "dinosaur", so in a way it is the epicentre of dinosaurs.

nhm-moon DSC 5413

27 Jul 2019 7 180
The “Museum of the Moon”, Natural History Museum, London, 2019. This work, by Luke Jerram, has been exhibited around the world and is a six-metre model based on NASA images.

Dancing fossil Liaoxiornis delicatus 2

31 Mar 2018 3 1 345
Dancing fossils. This is a bird fossil (cast);130 million years old from China. It is roughly the size of a sparrow ("Liaoxiornis delicates, Royal Ontario Museum. Toronto).

bird fossil Confusciusorni dui DSC 4353

31 Mar 2018 5 2 353
A pair of fossil birds, Confuciusorni dui, from China, 130 million years old, united in death. Probably a female and male. In the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

icthy 2 ROM DSC 4340

31 Mar 2018 3 247
An Ichthyosaur fossil in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto; from Germany, Baden-Wurttemberg: Holzmaden; A kind of reptilian dolphin.

ROM scorpion minus 450 million yrs DSC 2373

14 Dec 2016 3 2 453
A fossil of a scorpion (actually the shed exoskeleton of a scorpion, Eramoscorpius brucensis ); 430 million years old, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. It is thought that this early scorpion lived in water, but came up on shore to molt, where it would have been safe from marine predators. The legs are adapted to support the animals weight out of the water, but the rest of the animal has features that are shared by early scorpions that lived in water. So this is an extraordinary fossil, representing the evolutionary border line between marine scorpions (now no longer to be found) and the more familiar land dwelling animals that we are familiar with. www.rom.on.ca/en/about-us/newsroom/press-releases/rom-research-reveals-spectacular-430-million-year-old-ontario

fossil katydid ROM kazak 150M DSC 2397

14 Dec 2016 478
A fossilized katydid, 150 million years old. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

ROM Trilobites Dec 2016 DSC 2379

14 Dec 2016 3 1 457
A collection of Trilobites, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. Why did they all die together?

A hundred times long life-ROM-plate DSC 2573

27 Dec 2016 5 1 344
A yellow and blue Chinese plate; the symbol means longevity or long life- A 100 times long life and a prosperous New Year for 2017. From the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

Chihuly toronto ROM red reeds on logs DSC 2315

14 Dec 2016 8 2 397
"Red reeds on logs" Glass sculpture from an exhibit of the sculptural glass work of Dale Chihuly in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

chihuly toronto ROM orange fire basketsDSC 2325

14 Dec 2016 5 320
"Orange Fire Basket:" Glass sculpture from an exhibit of the sculptural glass work of Dale Chihuly in the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.

54 items in total