ATV with tracks st bruno- DSC0041


Snow and ice.

ATV with tracks st bruno- DSC0041

25 Jan 2020 2 268
Getting around in the snow. An ATV with snow tracks, Park St Bruno. I think it looks like rather more fun that it's fair for someone to have at work.

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25 Jan 2020 1 244
Cross-country skiers resting; Park St. Bruno, near Montreal.

Towards the light

21 Dec 2019 6 2 224
Winter tracks across the frozen lake. Wishing a happy new year and the very best for 2020. Tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année.

secret bench winter IMG 20190204 113629 (1)

04 Feb 2019 7 3 235
This is called "the secret bench of knowledge" (Lea Vivot). Coated in ice, they aren't dressed for the cold!

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06 Feb 2019 4 236
Giovanni (John) Porretta’s Exaltation, 1981 in the snow, coated in ice, Montreal.

st bruno fox hunting A Dec 2018 DSC 0840

09 Dec 2018 7 4 205
Not for the squeamish. A fox that has just pounced on and killed a grey squirrel. Fortunately the hunt was executed with surgical precision, death was very rapid and I don’t think the squirrel knew what hit it.... Pas pour ceux qui sont délicats. Un renard qui vient de se jeter sur un écureuil gris et l'a tué. Heureusement, la chasse a été exécutée avec une précision chirurgicale, la mort a été très rapide et je ne pense pas que l’écureuil sache ce qui l’a frappé.

st bruno fox dec 2018 DSC 0841

09 Dec 2018 3 1 163
Not for the squeamish. A fox that has just pounced on and killed a grey squirrel. Fortunately the hunt was executed with surgical precision, death was very rapid and I don’t think the squirrel knew what hit it.... Pas pour ceux qui sont délicats. Un renard qui a tué un écureuil gris . Heureusement, la chasse a été exécutée avec une précision chirurgicale, la mort a été très rapide et je ne pense pas que l’écureuil sache ce qui l’a frappé.

Mt St Hilaire-IMG 20181130 124025 r

10 Dec 2018 3 3 132
In the bleak mid winter. A view of a frozen lake, Mont St. Hilaire. It looks like a black and white photo but this is in colour.

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24 Nov 2018 3 1 201
Snow and trees

heart st bruno DSC 0635

24 Nov 2018 4 1 257
To warm your heat on a cold day. A blue heart in a snowy garden, St Bruno, Quebec (Jim Dine ).

sleds DSC 4088a

25 Dec 2017 3 1 177
Snow and sleds, Toronto, December

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25 Dec 2017 2 2 183
Winter games, December, Toronto

Skiing in town IMG 20200211 161523

07 Feb 2020 15 5 355
Skiing to work down the street. After a snow storm, Montreal

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15 Feb 2020 10 3 216
A young deer foraging in the snow.

x cardinal DSC0224

16 Feb 2020 19 5 338
A male cardinal in the garden. They stay throughout the winter even in the coldest weather. We have a small group of four males and four females that visit pretty regularly but they are skittish and don't stay close to the house for long.

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24 Mar 2020 4 1 146
Cones on newspaper (secrets about secrets).

junco snow DSC0162

11 Feb 2020 4 1 156
Dark eyed Junco. Although these small birds are resident here all year, their numbers increase in winter as they move away from their breeding grounds which extend far North to the sub-arctic

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02 Jan 2021 8 2 138
A blue jay, taking off from the snow.

51 items in total