Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar


A selection of my photos of butterfly and moth caterpillars, both reared at home and seen in the wild.

21 Mar 2009

175 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar

This Japanese Oak Silkmoth larva is about 30mins old and just 6mm long

24 Mar 2009

352 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar

This Japanese Oak Silkmoth caterpillar is preparing to have its first moult.

31 Mar 2009

468 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar 3rd instar

This third instar Japanese Oak Silkmoth larva is about 25mm long.

05 Apr 2009

234 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar, 4th instar

This caterpillar is about 45mm long

12 Apr 2009

190 visits

Japanese Oak Silkmoth (Antheraea yamamai) caterpillar, 5th instar

This caterpillar is about 65mm long, and it still has more growing to do before it starts spinning its cocoon!

04 Jun 2009

166 visits

Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa) caterpillar

I reared this larva at home, feeding it on willow, upon some of which this photo was taken.

13 Jun 2009

201 visits

Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta) caterpillar

I am currently rearing this larva at home, feeding it on Honeysuckle.

18 Jun 2009

151 visits

European Swallowtail (Papilio machaon gorganus) caterpillar

I reared this larva at home, and I think it is one of the most beautiful of all species with its colour scheme! It is pictured on Bronze Fennel.

18 Jun 2009

148 visits

Southern White Admiral (Limenitis reducta) caterpillar

Having reared this larva from the egg stage at home, it is pictured in its pupation position, attached to a stem of Honeysuckle upon which it had fed.
749 items in total