Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), Newton, Suffolk, England


An assortment of my bird photos

20 Feb 2009

154 visits

Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), Newton, Suffolk, England

A pretty bird that is fairly common in our area, and can often be seen in gardens, as in this case.

27 Feb 2009

1 favorite

198 visits

Robin (Erithacus rubecula), Sudbury, Suffolk, England

Robins are certainly one of our tamest bird species, but I was still surprised when this one let me photograph it from only about nine feet away!

16 Jun 2008

139 visits

Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

Caught in the act, this beautiful Goldfinch is enjoying one of its favourite foods - thistle seeds. Photographed in Southwold, Suffolk, England.

21 May 2008

203 visits

Young Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos)

This young Song Thrush came from a nest in Newton, Suffolk, England, and was recently fledged.

20 Feb 2009

148 visits

Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)

Snapped flying over the water meadows in Sudbury, Suffolk, England, the Cormorant is now a lot more common inland than it used to be, previously staying in coastal districts. It can be a nuisance to those who keep fish in their garden ponds, and is not exactly a favourite of anglers either!

14 Feb 2009

167 visits

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

This Canada Goose is pictured on one of the ponds at Kentwell Hall, a popular visitor attraction in Long Melford, Suffolk, England.

27 Feb 2009

141 visits

Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus)

Photographed in Sudbury, Suffolk, England.

20 Feb 2009

175 visits

Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus)

Photographed on the water meadows in Sudbury, Suffolk, England.

20 Feb 2009

181 visits

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

A close up of one of our most majestic birds, a Mute Swan, photographed on the water meadows in Sudbury, Suffolk, England.
100 items in total