

My photos for which I cannot think of an album title.

13 Jul 2011

80 visits


I've never seen one of these before. Seen on one of our garden roses, I think it's some sort of gall. I really like its shape and colour.

13 Jul 2011

75 visits


I've never seen one of these before. Seen on one of our garden roses, I think it's some sort of gall. I really like its shape and colour.

13 Jul 2011

109 visits


I've never seen one of these before. Seen on one of our garden roses, I think it's some sort of gall. I really like its shape and colour.

13 Jul 2011

83 visits


I've never seen one of these before. Seen on one of our garden roses, I think it's some sort of gall. I really like its shape and colour.

04 Apr 2011

123 visits

Water droplets on blade of grass

Photographed near Newton, Suffolk, England.

04 Apr 2011

167 visits

Water droplets on blades of grass

Photographed near Newton, Suffolk, England.

14 Feb 2011

103 visits


Photographed from Newton, Suffolk, England at 1640 UTC/GMT.

15 Jun 2009

90 visits


Photographed towards the east/northeast of Newton, Suffolk, England.

01 Apr 2012

133 visits


Photographed from home at 18:36 BST (17:36 GMT/UTC).
53 items in total