Eucalyptus bark

Bark of trees

17 Nov 2019

7 favorites


203 visits

Eucalyptus bark

17 Nov 2019

3 favorites

144 visits

Eucalyptus bark

16 Jun 2019

4 favorites

163 visits

Gum tree trunk

eucalypt lower trunk

25 May 2019

2 favorites


194 visits

Grey box

Beaumont Common

05 May 2019

2 favorites

162 visits

acacia gum

20 Jan 2019

1 favorite

149 visits

Eucalyptus bark

20 Jan 2019

1 favorite

1 comment

154 visits

eucalyptus bark

07 Jan 2019

4 favorites

1 comment

103 visits

The historic cork tree

Soon a new development plan will threaten this historic Norwood tree planted in the early days of the settlement of South Australia

07 Jan 2019

1 favorite

110 visits

The cork tree

This tree has been preserved thanks to the actions of a local residents group in Norwood South Australia
23 items in total